BWCA, Boundary Waters, Online Maps

Boundary Waters Canoe Area Lakes and Streams

Select the search tab to search for a BWCA lake by name or view them alphabetically.


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Name County Feature Type Area
Babble Lake Cook lake Mark Lake
Back Bay Lake bay Basswood Lake West
Back Lake Cook lake Sawbill Camp
Bag Lake Lake lake Kawishiwi Lake
Baird Lake Lake lake Slate Lake East
Bakekana Lake Lake lake Kekekabic Lake
Baker Lake Cook lake Sawbill Camp
Bald Eagle Creek Lake stream Gabbro Lake
Bald Eagle Lake Lake lake Gabbro Lake
Baldpate Creek St. Louis stream Angleworm Lake
Baldpate Lake St. Louis lake Angleworm Lake
Ball Club Creek Cook stream Eagle Mountain
Ball Club Lake Cook lake Lima Mountain
Bally Creek Cook stream Mark Lake
Ballyhoo Lake Cook lake Gillis Lake
Balmy Lake Lake lake Kekekabic Lake
Balsam Creek Lake stream Cabin Lake
Balsam Lake Lake lake Cabin Lake
Baltic Lake Lake lake Ester Lake
Banadad Creek Cook stream Gunflint Lake
Banadad Lake Cook lake Gunflint Lake
Bandana Lake Lake lake Slate Lake East
Bannick Lake Cook lake Eagle Mountain
Barefoot Lake St. Louis lake Crab Lake
Barker Creek Cook stream Lutsen
Barker Creek Cook stream Honeymoon Mountain
Barker Lake Cook lake Lutsen
Barter Lake Lake lake Ogishkemuncie Lake
Barto Creek Lake stream Lake Polly
Barto Lake Cook lake Kelso Mountain
Baskatong Lake Lake lake Perent Lake
Bass Bay Lake bay Ensign Lake West
Bass Bay St. Louis bay Chad Lake
Bass Lake St. Louis lake Palo
Bass Lake St. Louis lake Chad Lake
Bass Lake St. Louis lake Ely
Basswood Lake Lake lake Basswood Lake East
Basswood River Lake stream Basswood Lake West
Bat Lake Cook lake Toohey Lake
Bat Lake Cook lake Gillis Lake
Bath Lake Cook lake Lima Mountain
Batista Lake St. Louis lake Lake Agnes
Battle Lake St. Louis lake Crab Lake
Bayley Bay Lake bay Ensign Lake West
Baylis Lake St. Louis lake Echo Lake
Beam Lake Lake lake Lake Insula
Bean Lake Cook lake Pine Lake West
Bean Lake Lake lake Silver Bay
Beany Creek Lake stream Wilson Lake
Bear Creek St. Louis stream Embarrass
Bear Creek St. Louis stream Sioux Pine Island
Bear Cub Lake Cook lake Hungry Jack Lake
Bear Head Bay St. Louis bay Eagles Nest
Bear Head Lake St. Louis lake Eagles Nest
Bear Island Lake St. Louis lake Bear Island
Bear Island River St. Louis stream Kangas Bay
Bear Lake Lake lake Silver Bay
Bear Lake Lake lake Silver Bay
Bear Lake St. Louis lake Pequaywan Lake
Bear Lake St. Louis lake Whiteface
Bear Lake St. Louis lake Chad Lake
Bearskin Lake Cook lake Hungry Jack Lake
Bearskin Lake Lake lake Slate Lake East
Beartrack Lake St. Louis lake Takucmich Lake
Beartrap Lake St. Louis lake Friday Bay
Beartrap River St. Louis stream Iron Lake
Beast Lake St. Louis lake Kempton Bay
Beatty Lake St. Louis lake Snow Bay
Beaver Hut Lake Lake lake Slate Lake West
Beaver Lake Lake lake Alice Lake
Beaver Lake St. Louis lake Independence
Beaver Lake St. Louis lake Embarrass
Beaver Lake St. Louis lake Idington
Beaver Lake St. Louis lake King Lake
Beaver Pond St. Louis lake Babbitt
Beaver Pond St. Louis lake Bear Island
Beaver River Lake stream Silver Bay
Beaver River St. Louis stream Twig
Beaver River St. Louis stream Bear Island
Beaver Stream St. Louis stream Lake Jeanette
Beaverdam Creek Cook stream Tom Lake
Becoosin Lake Lake lake Snowbank Lake
Bedew Lake Cook lake Gunflint Lake
Bedford Lake Lake lake Ensign Lake East
Beetle Lake Lake lake Slate Lake East
Bellow Creek St. Louis stream Bootleg Lake
Belly Lake Cook lake Eagle Mountain
Bench Lake Cook lake Pine Lake West
Benezie Lake Lake lake Lake Insula
Benning Lake Cook lake Gunflint Lake
Benson Lake Cook lake Kadunce River
Besho Lake Lake lake Wilson Lake
Bet Lake Cook lake Eagle Mountain
Beta Lake Cook lake South Lake
Beth Lake Cook lake Beth Lake
Bewon Lake Lake lake Ogishkemuncie Lake
Bezhik Creek St. Louis stream Bootleg Lake
Bezhik Lake St. Louis lake Bootleg Lake
Bibon Lake St. Louis lake Iron Lake
Big Bay Cook bay Hovland
Big Bay St. Louis bay Eagles Nest
Big Bay St. Louis bay Tower
Big Bull Creek St. Louis stream Bootleg Lake
Big Lake St. Louis lake Babbitt SE
Big Lake St. Louis lake Angleworm Lake
Big Moose Lake St. Louis lake Lapond Lake
Big Rice Lake St. Louis lake Lapond Lake
Big Rice Lake St. Louis lake Biwabik NW
Big Snow Lake Cook lake Beth Lake
Bigsby Lake Cook lake Lutsen
Bill Creek Lake stream Kawishiwi Lake
Bill Creek St. Louis stream Lapond Lake
Bill Lake Lake lake Kawishiwi Lake
Binagami Lake Cook lake Grand Marais
Bine Lake Lake lake Sawbill Landing
Bingshick Lake Cook lake Gillis Lake
Birch Bay St. Louis bay Shagawa Lake
Birch Lake Cook lake South Lake
Birch Lake Lake lake Ensign Lake West
Birch Lake Lake lake Kangas Bay
Birch River St. Louis stream Babbitt
Birdsey Lake Lake lake Lake Insula
Birl Lake Lake lake Ogishkemuncie Lake
Black Bay St. Louis bay Norwegian Bay
Black Duck Bay St. Louis bay Vermilion Dam
Blackstone Lake Lake lake Snowbank Lake
Bleak Bay St. Louis bay Soldier Point OE N
Blind Ash Bay St. Louis bay Ash River NE
Blind Temperance Creek Cook stream Honeymoon Mountain
Blinker Lake Lake lake Lake Insula
Blissful Lake Lake lake Alice Lake
Blizzard Lake St. Louis lake Lapond Lake
Blue Fin Bay St. Louis bay Daley Bay
Blue Jay Creek Lake stream Lake Polly
Blue Jay Lake Lake lake Lake Polly
Blue Snow Lake Cook lake Long Island Lake
Blue Wing Lake Lake lake Lake Polly
Blueberry Lake Cook lake Devil Track Lake
Blueberry Lake St. Louis lake Eagles Nest
Blueberry Lake St. Louis lake Bear Island
Bluebill Lake Lake lake Cabin Lake
Bluebird Lake St. Louis lake Marion Lake
Bluff Creek Cook stream Lima Mountain
Bob Bay St. Louis bay Babbitt NE
Bog Lake Lake lake Quadga Lake
Bog Lake St. Louis lake Gowan
Bog Lake St. Louis lake Orr NE
Boga Lake Lake lake Isabella Lake
Bogberry Lake Lake lake Bogberry Lake
Bogenho Lake Cook lake Hungry Jack Lake
Bogus Lake Cook lake Kadunce River
Bollar Lake Cook lake Beth Lake
Bologna Lake Cook lake Cherokee Lake
Bonanza Lake Lake lake Cramer
Bone Creek Lake stream Kawishiwi Lake
Bone Lake Lake lake Kawishiwi Lake
Bonita Lake Cook lake Gillis Lake
Bonnie Lake Lake lake Kekekabic Lake
Boot Lake Lake lake Ensign Lake East
Boot Lake St. Louis lake Fourtown Lake
Bootleg Lake St. Louis lake Bootleg Lake
Bottle Lake St. Louis lake Iron Lake OE N
Bottle River St. Louis stream Iron Lake
Bouder Lake Cook lake Tait Lake
Boulder Bay St. Louis bay Shagawa Lake
Boulder Bay St. Louis bay Lake Agnes
Boulder Bay St. Louis bay Lake Agnes
Boulder Lake Lake lake Ogishkemuncie Lake
Boulder Lake St. Louis lake Chad Lake
Boulder River St. Louis stream Lake Agnes
Bourassa Lake St. Louis lake Takucmich Lake
Bow Lake Cook lake Hungry Jack Lake
Bow Lake Lake lake Alice Lake
Bower Trout Lake Cook lake Lima Mountain
Bowman Bay St. Louis bay Daley Bay
Bowstring Lake Lake lake Lake Polly
Boys Lake Cook lake Kadunce River
Boze Lake Lake lake Lake Polly
Bradley Lake Cook lake Honeymoon Mountain
Brant Lake Cook lake Long Island Lake
Brendvold Creek St. Louis stream Picket Lake
Brewis Lake Lake lake Quadga Lake
Briar Lake Lake lake Alice Lake
Briar Lake St. Louis lake Barrs Lake
Briddle Lake Lake lake Isabella Lake
Bridge Lake Lake lake Snowbank Lake
Brigand Lake St. Louis lake Takucmich Lake
Bright Lake Lake lake Ely
Bronco Lake Cook lake Pine Lake West
Brown Lake St. Louis lake Kempton Bay
Brown Lake St. Louis lake Pequaywan Lake
Browns Bay St. Louis bay Kempton Bay
Browns Bay St. Louis bay Johnson Lake
Browns Lake Lake lake Ely
Bruin Lake Lake lake Bogberry Lake
Brule Bay Cook bay Eagle Mountain
Brule Lake Cook lake Brule Lake
Brule River Cook stream Marr Island
Brunch Lake Lake lake Lake Insula
Brush Lake Lake lake Isabella Lake
Bubbles Lake Lake lake Gabbro Lake
Buck Creek St. Louis stream Chad Lake
Buck Lake St. Louis lake Chad Lake
Buckshot Lake Cook lake Kelso Mountain
Buckshot Lake St. Louis lake Chad Lake
Bug Creek St. Louis stream Cotton
Bug Creek St. Louis stream Elephant Lake
Bug Lake Cook lake Lake Polly
Bug Lake St. Louis lake Elephant Lake
Bug Lake St. Louis lake Whiteface
Bugo Lake Lake lake Alice Lake
Bulb Lake Cook lake Lima Mountain
Bulge Lake Cook lake Sawbill Camp
Bull Lake Cook lake Eagle Mountain
Bullet Lake Lake lake Friday Bay
Bullfrog Lake Lake lake Ester Lake
Bullrush Lake Lake lake Lake Insula
Bunga Lake Cook lake Eagle Mountain
Bunggee Creek St. Louis stream Friday Bay
Bunggee Lake St. Louis lake Friday Bay
Bunny Lake Lake lake Sawbill Landing
Burgo Lake St. Louis lake Ely
Burnt Creek Cook stream Sawbill Camp
Burnt Lake Cook lake Cherokee Lake
Burntside Lake St. Louis lake Shagawa Lake
Burntside River St. Louis stream Shagawa Lake
Burt Lake Cook lake Long Island Lake
Bushel Lake Lake lake Mitawan Lake
Bushman Lake Lake lake Ogishkemuncie Lake
Bushmen Lake St. Louis lake Fourtown Lake
Bushwah Lake Lake lake Ogishkemuncie Lake
Butterfly Lake Lake lake Quadga Lake
Butterfly Lake St. Louis lake Babbitt
Byron Lake Lake lake Sawbill Landing
Bystrom Bay St. Louis bay Vermilion Dam