Boundary Waters Canoe Area Lakes and Streams
Select the search tab to search for a BWCA lake by name or view them alphabetically.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Name | County | Feature Type | Area |
Babble Lake | Cook | lake | Mark Lake |
Back Bay | Lake | bay | Basswood Lake West |
Back Lake | Cook | lake | Sawbill Camp |
Bag Lake | Lake | lake | Kawishiwi Lake |
Baird Lake | Lake | lake | Slate Lake East |
Bakekana Lake | Lake | lake | Kekekabic Lake |
Baker Lake | Cook | lake | Sawbill Camp |
Bald Eagle Creek | Lake | stream | Gabbro Lake |
Bald Eagle Lake | Lake | lake | Gabbro Lake |
Baldpate Creek | St. Louis | stream | Angleworm Lake |
Baldpate Lake | St. Louis | lake | Angleworm Lake |
Ball Club Creek | Cook | stream | Eagle Mountain |
Ball Club Lake | Cook | lake | Lima Mountain |
Bally Creek | Cook | stream | Mark Lake |
Ballyhoo Lake | Cook | lake | Gillis Lake |
Balmy Lake | Lake | lake | Kekekabic Lake |
Balsam Creek | Lake | stream | Cabin Lake |
Balsam Lake | Lake | lake | Cabin Lake |
Baltic Lake | Lake | lake | Ester Lake |
Banadad Creek | Cook | stream | Gunflint Lake |
Banadad Lake | Cook | lake | Gunflint Lake |
Bandana Lake | Lake | lake | Slate Lake East |
Bannick Lake | Cook | lake | Eagle Mountain |
Barefoot Lake | St. Louis | lake | Crab Lake |
Barker Creek | Cook | stream | Lutsen |
Barker Creek | Cook | stream | Honeymoon Mountain |
Barker Lake | Cook | lake | Lutsen |
Barter Lake | Lake | lake | Ogishkemuncie Lake |
Barto Creek | Lake | stream | Lake Polly |
Barto Lake | Cook | lake | Kelso Mountain |
Baskatong Lake | Lake | lake | Perent Lake |
Bass Bay | Lake | bay | Ensign Lake West |
Bass Bay | St. Louis | bay | Chad Lake |
Bass Lake | St. Louis | lake | Palo |
Bass Lake | St. Louis | lake | Chad Lake |
Bass Lake | St. Louis | lake | Ely |
Basswood Lake | Lake | lake | Basswood Lake East |
Basswood River | Lake | stream | Basswood Lake West |
Bat Lake | Cook | lake | Toohey Lake |
Bat Lake | Cook | lake | Gillis Lake |
Bath Lake | Cook | lake | Lima Mountain |
Batista Lake | St. Louis | lake | Lake Agnes |
Battle Lake | St. Louis | lake | Crab Lake |
Bayley Bay | Lake | bay | Ensign Lake West |
Baylis Lake | St. Louis | lake | Echo Lake |
Beam Lake | Lake | lake | Lake Insula |
Bean Lake | Cook | lake | Pine Lake West |
Bean Lake | Lake | lake | Silver Bay |
Beany Creek | Lake | stream | Wilson Lake |
Bear Creek | St. Louis | stream | Embarrass |
Bear Creek | St. Louis | stream | Sioux Pine Island |
Bear Cub Lake | Cook | lake | Hungry Jack Lake |
Bear Head Bay | St. Louis | bay | Eagles Nest |
Bear Head Lake | St. Louis | lake | Eagles Nest |
Bear Island Lake | St. Louis | lake | Bear Island |
Bear Island River | St. Louis | stream | Kangas Bay |
Bear Lake | Lake | lake | Silver Bay |
Bear Lake | Lake | lake | Silver Bay |
Bear Lake | St. Louis | lake | Pequaywan Lake |
Bear Lake | St. Louis | lake | Whiteface |
Bear Lake | St. Louis | lake | Chad Lake |
Bearskin Lake | Cook | lake | Hungry Jack Lake |
Bearskin Lake | Lake | lake | Slate Lake East |
Beartrack Lake | St. Louis | lake | Takucmich Lake |
Beartrap Lake | St. Louis | lake | Friday Bay |
Beartrap River | St. Louis | stream | Iron Lake |
Beast Lake | St. Louis | lake | Kempton Bay |
Beatty Lake | St. Louis | lake | Snow Bay |
Beaver Hut Lake | Lake | lake | Slate Lake West |
Beaver Lake | Lake | lake | Alice Lake |
Beaver Lake | St. Louis | lake | Independence |
Beaver Lake | St. Louis | lake | Embarrass |
Beaver Lake | St. Louis | lake | Idington |
Beaver Lake | St. Louis | lake | King Lake |
Beaver Pond | St. Louis | lake | Babbitt |
Beaver Pond | St. Louis | lake | Bear Island |
Beaver River | Lake | stream | Silver Bay |
Beaver River | St. Louis | stream | Twig |
Beaver River | St. Louis | stream | Bear Island |
Beaver Stream | St. Louis | stream | Lake Jeanette |
Beaverdam Creek | Cook | stream | Tom Lake |
Becoosin Lake | Lake | lake | Snowbank Lake |
Bedew Lake | Cook | lake | Gunflint Lake |
Bedford Lake | Lake | lake | Ensign Lake East |
Beetle Lake | Lake | lake | Slate Lake East |
Bellow Creek | St. Louis | stream | Bootleg Lake |
Belly Lake | Cook | lake | Eagle Mountain |
Bench Lake | Cook | lake | Pine Lake West |
Benezie Lake | Lake | lake | Lake Insula |
Benning Lake | Cook | lake | Gunflint Lake |
Benson Lake | Cook | lake | Kadunce River |
Besho Lake | Lake | lake | Wilson Lake |
Bet Lake | Cook | lake | Eagle Mountain |
Beta Lake | Cook | lake | South Lake |
Beth Lake | Cook | lake | Beth Lake |
Bewon Lake | Lake | lake | Ogishkemuncie Lake |
Bezhik Creek | St. Louis | stream | Bootleg Lake |
Bezhik Lake | St. Louis | lake | Bootleg Lake |
Bibon Lake | St. Louis | lake | Iron Lake |
Big Bay | Cook | bay | Hovland |
Big Bay | St. Louis | bay | Eagles Nest |
Big Bay | St. Louis | bay | Tower |
Big Bull Creek | St. Louis | stream | Bootleg Lake |
Big Lake | St. Louis | lake | Babbitt SE |
Big Lake | St. Louis | lake | Angleworm Lake |
Big Moose Lake | St. Louis | lake | Lapond Lake |
Big Rice Lake | St. Louis | lake | Lapond Lake |
Big Rice Lake | St. Louis | lake | Biwabik NW |
Big Snow Lake | Cook | lake | Beth Lake |
Bigsby Lake | Cook | lake | Lutsen |
Bill Creek | Lake | stream | Kawishiwi Lake |
Bill Creek | St. Louis | stream | Lapond Lake |
Bill Lake | Lake | lake | Kawishiwi Lake |
Binagami Lake | Cook | lake | Grand Marais |
Bine Lake | Lake | lake | Sawbill Landing |
Bingshick Lake | Cook | lake | Gillis Lake |
Birch Bay | St. Louis | bay | Shagawa Lake |
Birch Lake | Cook | lake | South Lake |
Birch Lake | Lake | lake | Ensign Lake West |
Birch Lake | Lake | lake | Kangas Bay |
Birch River | St. Louis | stream | Babbitt |
Birdsey Lake | Lake | lake | Lake Insula |
Birl Lake | Lake | lake | Ogishkemuncie Lake |
Black Bay | St. Louis | bay | Norwegian Bay |
Black Duck Bay | St. Louis | bay | Vermilion Dam |
Blackstone Lake | Lake | lake | Snowbank Lake |
Bleak Bay | St. Louis | bay | Soldier Point OE N |
Blind Ash Bay | St. Louis | bay | Ash River NE |
Blind Temperance Creek | Cook | stream | Honeymoon Mountain |
Blinker Lake | Lake | lake | Lake Insula |
Blissful Lake | Lake | lake | Alice Lake |
Blizzard Lake | St. Louis | lake | Lapond Lake |
Blue Fin Bay | St. Louis | bay | Daley Bay |
Blue Jay Creek | Lake | stream | Lake Polly |
Blue Jay Lake | Lake | lake | Lake Polly |
Blue Snow Lake | Cook | lake | Long Island Lake |
Blue Wing Lake | Lake | lake | Lake Polly |
Blueberry Lake | Cook | lake | Devil Track Lake |
Blueberry Lake | St. Louis | lake | Eagles Nest |
Blueberry Lake | St. Louis | lake | Bear Island |
Bluebill Lake | Lake | lake | Cabin Lake |
Bluebird Lake | St. Louis | lake | Marion Lake |
Bluff Creek | Cook | stream | Lima Mountain |
Bob Bay | St. Louis | bay | Babbitt NE |
Bog Lake | Lake | lake | Quadga Lake |
Bog Lake | St. Louis | lake | Gowan |
Bog Lake | St. Louis | lake | Orr NE |
Boga Lake | Lake | lake | Isabella Lake |
Bogberry Lake | Lake | lake | Bogberry Lake |
Bogenho Lake | Cook | lake | Hungry Jack Lake |
Bogus Lake | Cook | lake | Kadunce River |
Bollar Lake | Cook | lake | Beth Lake |
Bologna Lake | Cook | lake | Cherokee Lake |
Bonanza Lake | Lake | lake | Cramer |
Bone Creek | Lake | stream | Kawishiwi Lake |
Bone Lake | Lake | lake | Kawishiwi Lake |
Bonita Lake | Cook | lake | Gillis Lake |
Bonnie Lake | Lake | lake | Kekekabic Lake |
Boot Lake | Lake | lake | Ensign Lake East |
Boot Lake | St. Louis | lake | Fourtown Lake |
Bootleg Lake | St. Louis | lake | Bootleg Lake |
Bottle Lake | St. Louis | lake | Iron Lake OE N |
Bottle River | St. Louis | stream | Iron Lake |
Bouder Lake | Cook | lake | Tait Lake |
Boulder Bay | St. Louis | bay | Shagawa Lake |
Boulder Bay | St. Louis | bay | Lake Agnes |
Boulder Bay | St. Louis | bay | Lake Agnes |
Boulder Lake | Lake | lake | Ogishkemuncie Lake |
Boulder Lake | St. Louis | lake | Chad Lake |
Boulder River | St. Louis | stream | Lake Agnes |
Bourassa Lake | St. Louis | lake | Takucmich Lake |
Bow Lake | Cook | lake | Hungry Jack Lake |
Bow Lake | Lake | lake | Alice Lake |
Bower Trout Lake | Cook | lake | Lima Mountain |
Bowman Bay | St. Louis | bay | Daley Bay |
Bowstring Lake | Lake | lake | Lake Polly |
Boys Lake | Cook | lake | Kadunce River |
Boze Lake | Lake | lake | Lake Polly |
Bradley Lake | Cook | lake | Honeymoon Mountain |
Brant Lake | Cook | lake | Long Island Lake |
Brendvold Creek | St. Louis | stream | Picket Lake |
Brewis Lake | Lake | lake | Quadga Lake |
Briar Lake | Lake | lake | Alice Lake |
Briar Lake | St. Louis | lake | Barrs Lake |
Briddle Lake | Lake | lake | Isabella Lake |
Bridge Lake | Lake | lake | Snowbank Lake |
Brigand Lake | St. Louis | lake | Takucmich Lake |
Bright Lake | Lake | lake | Ely |
Bronco Lake | Cook | lake | Pine Lake West |
Brown Lake | St. Louis | lake | Kempton Bay |
Brown Lake | St. Louis | lake | Pequaywan Lake |
Browns Bay | St. Louis | bay | Kempton Bay |
Browns Bay | St. Louis | bay | Johnson Lake |
Browns Lake | Lake | lake | Ely |
Bruin Lake | Lake | lake | Bogberry Lake |
Brule Bay | Cook | bay | Eagle Mountain |
Brule Lake | Cook | lake | Brule Lake |
Brule River | Cook | stream | Marr Island |
Brunch Lake | Lake | lake | Lake Insula |
Brush Lake | Lake | lake | Isabella Lake |
Bubbles Lake | Lake | lake | Gabbro Lake |
Buck Creek | St. Louis | stream | Chad Lake |
Buck Lake | St. Louis | lake | Chad Lake |
Buckshot Lake | Cook | lake | Kelso Mountain |
Buckshot Lake | St. Louis | lake | Chad Lake |
Bug Creek | St. Louis | stream | Cotton |
Bug Creek | St. Louis | stream | Elephant Lake |
Bug Lake | Cook | lake | Lake Polly |
Bug Lake | St. Louis | lake | Elephant Lake |
Bug Lake | St. Louis | lake | Whiteface |
Bugo Lake | Lake | lake | Alice Lake |
Bulb Lake | Cook | lake | Lima Mountain |
Bulge Lake | Cook | lake | Sawbill Camp |
Bull Lake | Cook | lake | Eagle Mountain |
Bullet Lake | Lake | lake | Friday Bay |
Bullfrog Lake | Lake | lake | Ester Lake |
Bullrush Lake | Lake | lake | Lake Insula |
Bunga Lake | Cook | lake | Eagle Mountain |
Bunggee Creek | St. Louis | stream | Friday Bay |
Bunggee Lake | St. Louis | lake | Friday Bay |
Bunny Lake | Lake | lake | Sawbill Landing |
Burgo Lake | St. Louis | lake | Ely |
Burnt Creek | Cook | stream | Sawbill Camp |
Burnt Lake | Cook | lake | Cherokee Lake |
Burntside Lake | St. Louis | lake | Shagawa Lake |
Burntside River | St. Louis | stream | Shagawa Lake |
Burt Lake | Cook | lake | Long Island Lake |
Bushel Lake | Lake | lake | Mitawan Lake |
Bushman Lake | Lake | lake | Ogishkemuncie Lake |
Bushmen Lake | St. Louis | lake | Fourtown Lake |
Bushwah Lake | Lake | lake | Ogishkemuncie Lake |
Butterfly Lake | Lake | lake | Quadga Lake |
Butterfly Lake | St. Louis | lake | Babbitt |
Byron Lake | Lake | lake | Sawbill Landing |
Bystrom Bay | St. Louis | bay | Vermilion Dam |