BWCA, Boundary Waters, Online Maps

Boundary Waters Canoe Area Lakes and Streams

Select the search tab to search for a BWCA lake by name or view them alphabetically.


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Name County Feature Type Area
Kaapoo Lake Lake lake Alice Lake
Kabetogama Lake St. Louis lake Cranberry Bay
Kabustasa Lake St. Louis lake Kabustasa Lake
Kadunce River Cook stream Kadunce River
Kaiak Lake Lake lake Ogishkemuncie Lake
Kale Lake Lake lake Ogishkemuncie Lake
Kaleva Bay St. Louis bay Crab Lake
Kallio Lake Lake lake Ogishkemuncie Lake
Kamimela Lake Lake lake Ojibway Lake
Kangas Bay St. Louis bay Kangas Bay
Kangas Creek St. Louis stream Kangas Bay
Kangas Lake St. Louis lake Kangas Bay
Karl Lake Cook lake Long Island Lake
Katydid Lake Lake lake Silver Island Lake
Kawasachong Lake Lake lake Kawishiwi Lake
Kawishiwi Lake Lake lake Kawishiwi Lake
Kawishiwi River Lake stream Farm Lake
Kayoskh Lake Lake lake Quadga Lake
Keeley Creek Lake stream Kangas Bay
Kek Lake Lake lake Kekekabic Lake
Kekekabic Lake Lake lake Kekekabic Lake
Kekekabic Ponds Lake lake Ogishkemuncie Lake
Kelly Creek Lake stream Slate Lake West
Kelly Lake Cook lake Sawbill Camp
Kelly Lake St. Louis lake Keewatin
Kelsey Lake St. Louis lake Coleman Island
Kelso Lake Cook lake Kelso Mountain
Kelso River Cook stream Kelso Mountain
Kemo Lake Cook lake Lima Mountain
Kempton Bay St. Louis bay Kempton Bay
Kemptons Lake Lake lake Farm Lake
Keneu Lake St. Louis lake Angleworm Lake
Kerfoot Lakes Cook lake Long Island Lake
Kettle Lake Lake lake Kekekabic Lake
Kiana Lake Lake lake Lake Insula
Kickshaw Lake Lake lake Lake Polly
Kimball Creek Cook stream Kadunce River
Kimball Lake Cook lake Kadunce River
Kindle Lake Cook lake Northern Light Lake
Kingfisher Lake Cook lake Ogishkemuncie Lake
Kinogami Lake Cook lake Tait Lake
Kiowa Lake Cook lake Pine Lake West
Kiskadinna Lake Cook lake Gunflint Lake
Kitigan Lake Lake lake Mitawan Lake
Kivandeba Lake Lake lake Lake Polly
Kivaniva Lake Lake lake Lake Polly
Kjostad Lake St. Louis lake Buyck
Klobuchar Bay Lake bay Babbitt NE
Knife Lake Lake lake Kekekabic Lake
Knife River Lake stream Ensign Lake East
Knife River St. Louis stream Knife River
Knight Lake Cook lake Kawishiwi Lake
Knute Lake St. Louis lake Echo Lake
Kobe Lake Lake lake Lake Insula
Kohler Bay St. Louis bay Ash River NE
Koma Lake Lake lake Lake Polly
Korb Lake St. Louis lake Crab Lake
Korb River St. Louis stream Crab Lake
Koski Creek Cook stream Sawbill Camp
Kowalski Lake Lake lake Cramer
Kramer Bay St. Louis bay Babbitt
Kraut Lake Cook lake Crocodile Lake
Kroft Lake Cook lake Lima Mountain
Kutka Lake Lake lake Quadga Lake
Kuusi Lake Lake lake Gabbro Lake