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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum :: Trip Planning Forum :: Cavity Lake fire recovery
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01/08/2024 08:59PM
Hi All,

Looking at a route through Brant then west to Gabi but worried about finding spots to hang a hammock. Has anyone been through there recently and willing to share thoughts on hammock hanging options?

01/09/2024 06:47AM
In my opinion, it seems like the hardest hit areas were French, Peter, Virgin & the chain of smaller lakes below Peter. Post Cavity I've been able to find good hammock spots on both Gillis, Gabi & Bingschick (if you'reheaded that way?)

Photo from an island site on Gabi.

If you haven't seen them already??? Here's a couple of trip reports where we penetrated that area. Maybe they'll give you some perspective.

First fish & a walking stick

Beaches, flowers & storms
01/13/2024 08:10AM
Here is photo taken along the portage from L Sag to Virgin Lakes in Aug of 2021. I don't think there is much hammock hang in this bunch.

I remember there being some pines up in West Fern and Powell Lakes. They grow a little faster so maybe? But I wouldn't count on them.

01/09/2024 06:23PM
Did Lil Sag to Gillis, then Gillis to Brant this past July. My last time through there was maybe 2015? I think its recovered quite well. TB has it right on the impacted areas and I cant tell you what the campsites look like hammock wise but they dont look too bad from the water. All sites on Gillis good, south site on French nice. Most sites on Gabi I believe are good. Peter, Virgin, Powell and West Fern are the ones where you may have slim pickings.

01/10/2024 09:40AM
Hi Yetijedi,

In August, 2023, we paddled from Brandt through Flying and Green to Bat. We tented on Bat at the western-most site (north shore) and enjoyed it but could not find a tree to hang a food barrel. We weren't looking specifically for hammock opportunities but I'm thinking it would be tough. From Gillis, we took the north route to Gabi through French to Peter. I thought Peter was a great looking lake and is recovering nicely but would probably be spotty at best for good hanging. Have a great 2024 paddle season!
01/14/2024 11:58AM
I go through this area fairly regularly. The simple answer is on the specific lakes TB mentioned (French, Peter, Powell, West Fern, Fern, Virgin) you cannot rely on hanging a hammock. Unlike some other burn areas most of the campsites on those lakes were also torched. But the lakes E, W, and S of that area have plenty of good sites.
01/11/2024 05:22PM
Thank you, All, for your responses. Very helpful!

TB - I had seen one of those reports, the one during your move to the north woods, and both were helpful. From your photos, I was able to find a few more sites that'll work for a hammock which is what I was hoping for.

Cowdoc and Kawnipi - that's helpful to know, especially since your perspective is recent. I do hope to do through Peter and French to Gabi and your feedback gives me some ideas about how to plan my days. Worst case, I get to spend a night on the ground with my hammock stuff, not the end of the world.

Again, thank you very much!
01/12/2024 06:27AM
I’ve not been through the lakes mentioned but have been through several others hit by the cavity lake fire. It seems to me that the campsites usually weren’t hit much. The area surrounding them would be very burned but not the campsites. My theory is that the campsites become so picked of fuel that there’s not much to burn. Is there truth to this theory? Is so then I think the more popular or well traveled the lake, the more the campsites spared.
01/12/2024 09:50AM
Go through the campsite ratings in maps.....just be careful to check the date of the post. Many are 10 years old and a lot has changed. Some even sounded hammock worthy back then.