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       Trip Report - #23 Mudro: “Time travel in a magic canoe” (first solo 2015)
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:00PM
Title: Trip Report - #23 Mudro: “Time travel in a magic canoe” (first solo 2015)
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bfurlow 03/31/2016 08:42PM
Really nice trip report. I enjoyed reading it a lot.
muddyfeet 08/06/2016 10:05AM
Some updates that might be fun for anyone who read the report of this trip that was almost a year ago:

-I put down a deposit for a 2016 rental fleet Magic. Pickup is in October, so as long as I'm in the area I'll likely plan an overnight or short solo with the new(to me) boat. I'm super excited to customize it for an even more efficient portage/paddle routine.

-The berlinnerweisse beer is tart and fantastic after a year ferment. I split it into three batches with blueberries, peaches, and rosehips. It'll take a little longer to be finished, but should be well worth the wait.
muddyfeet 03/15/2016 10:22AM
quote Bearpaulsen: "Muddyfeet,

The title of your trip report caught my eye. Happy to hear you had a good time and enjoyed the Magic. I wonder if you'd mind your 'review' being used by us (Northstar)?

Keep Travelling Solo!


No prob, I'm just a novice paddler, but I'll endorse it!
boonie 08/06/2016 01:06PM
Thanks for the update, muddyfeet. Enjoy the new canoe and October trip. Reminds me that I should go back and reread your very good trip report.
mnrackhunter 03/28/2016 11:14AM
I really enjoyed your trip report. It was very nice. Thanks
Bearpaulsen 03/14/2016 01:55PM

The title of your trip report caught my eye. Happy to hear you had a good time and enjoyed the Magic. I wonder if you'd mind your 'review' being used by us (Northstar)?

Keep Travelling Solo!

muddyfeet 03/05/2016 11:14AM
quote boonie: "Thanks, muddyfeet, for the enjoyable and interesting trip report. I always enjoy reading about first solos and it sounds like yours went very smoothly - a testament to all your research and planning. "

Yep, thanks for all the help I got from you and others over in the Solo forum .

Maybe the biggest thing I learned before the trip just reading the forum was how it really helps to be efficient/minimize camp chores when you're by yourself. There is no one "right" way to do things (cook/clean/shelter/get water/firewood) but there are definately some ways that take less time/work than others. Finding out what works well for you and your time/space/weight requirements is key.
muddyfeet 03/05/2016 11:26AM
quote Exo: "
Really enjoyed your bewilderment about hearing the highway in the distance. "

It really sounded intermittent like trucks coming and going with the pitch slightly changing as they passed by. Not at all like a babbling brook, but there was some distance between the brook and camp and I could barely hear the faint sound as it was. Maybe wind or some other phenomenon altered the sound enough as it traveled towards me. I thought I was going crazy.
SaganagaJoe 03/05/2016 03:46PM
quote muddyfeet: "quote Exo: "
Really enjoyed your bewilderment about hearing the highway in the distance. "

It really sounded intermittent like trucks coming and going with the pitch slightly changing as they passed by. Not at all like a babbling brook, but there was some distance between the brook and camp and I could barely hear the faint sound as it was. Maybe wind or some other phenomenon altered the sound enough as it traveled towards me. I thought I was going crazy. "

Wind in the trees on the other side of the lake? That's a pretty ethereal sound.
muddyfeet 03/04/2016 12:12AM
New Trip Report posted by muddyfeet

Trip Name: #23 Mudro: “Time travel in a magic canoe” (first solo 2015) .

Entry Point: 23

Click Here to View Trip Report
FOG51 03/04/2016 01:19AM
Nce report, you got into the whole solo thing and are probably hooked for life now. I liked your writing style, easy to read ,very descriptive and easy to follow along. I laughed about your "jittery moments", many soloist seem to have them but I can honestly say I never have had any jitters on a solo trip. FRED
Exo 03/04/2016 09:20AM
What a great trip report! Glad you were able to relate the solo experience to others so well. Going solo adds such a new dynamic to a wilderness experience.

And your right about Drew at Piragi's. I really appreciate someone who loves their job. I believe he holds a special place for those that solo. My first solo he told me he didn't want to see me back early. Hah! No chance!

A positive first solo is about good preparation and planning. And having the right mindset.

Really enjoyed your bewilderment about hearing the highway in the distance.
boonie 03/04/2016 10:45AM
Thanks, muddyfeet, for the enjoyable and interesting trip report. I always enjoy reading about first solos and it sounds like yours went very smoothly - a testament to all your research and planning.
neutroner 04/19/2016 06:32PM
nice. one of the best reports ive read. makes me look forward to my next trip.
muddyfeet 04/18/2016 12:39AM
quote crumpman: " Did you notice the "face" in the the photo of the cliff near the pictographs? "

Thanks. No, I didn't see the face until someone pointed it out later in the photo.
I read your report, too: I love how you have fitted your boat with the foam rail pads and the bungees drilled into the thwarts. I have to get one for myself!
CityFisher74 04/19/2016 11:43AM
Amazing report, thank you for taking the time to share it with us. Your link and note about the boy trapped by the canoe on the falls made me wonder what sort of solo-tripping horror stories are out there? Getting injured and needing to get back on your own would be very scary.
Tim Govert 08/10/2016 03:12PM
Great account of your trip. I've traveled that area several times over the years and love it.

I truly appreciated your description of the solo time. I've been taking trips in the BWCA every year since 1980, typically with my kids, high school and old Army buddies. During one of those trips, we met up with a younger guy that was doing a solo trip in a wooden canoe that he had handcrafted himself. He described how peaceful and energizing his several week long trip had been...this stoked a fire that had been building in me for a long time to do the same thing. So when I returned, I went head first into the planning process for the following summer.

The following summer I pushed off at Kawishiwi Lake. I did cheat a little though by taking my trusty Chocolate Labrador along with me. It was an amazing trip. I enjoyed the solitude and the opportunity to do as I pleased for the entire week. It was definitely good for my soul...and I fully intend to do it again in the near future.

crumpman 04/01/2016 01:44PM
I really enjoyed your report. You started your first solo as I was finishing my first solo. I was also using my magic and I agree with your assessment of the canoe. We had some similar experiences on our trips. My report is also posted, Moose River First Solo. Did you notice the "face" in the the photo of the cliff near the pictographs?
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