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       Basecamp Ideas
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 03:35PM
Basecamp Ideas

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Bigbriwi 03/23/2017 06:39PM

There are many outfitters near by in Ely, but we have had great luck with Lynn at Voyageur North Outfitters, highly recommended!"

lol, have already been talking back and forth with Lynn and that is more than likely who we will be going with.

Saberboys 03/23/2017 09:50AM
quote Bigbriwi: "Thanks for all the advice, you all really are a great resource. After much deliberation I have reserved entry point 23 Mudro and will look to basecamp on Fourtown or maybe even further in. Looks like it is a pretty busy area, I am just hoping that it will have less traffic being September. Now, I have to find an outfitter! Will the decision making ever end????

There are many outfitters near by in Ely, but we have had great luck with Lynn at Voyageur North Outfitters, highly recommended!
Bigbriwi 03/23/2017 05:26AM
Thanks for all the advice, you all really are a great resource. After much deliberation I have reserved entry point 23 Mudro and will look to basecamp on Fourtown or maybe even further in. Looks like it is a pretty busy area, I am just hoping that it will have less traffic being September. Now, I have to find an outfitter! Will the decision making ever end????

BuckFlicks 03/22/2017 01:24PM
quote BigBri: "Thanks for the advice guys, some of the areas are on my short list. My biggest concern is they look busy, little less concerned since we will be going in September. "

Early to mid-September is my favorite time. Crowds have thinned, bugs are dead, and it's not as warm in the afternoon, and it's starting to get cold at night again. Perfect outdoors temperatures in my opinion. But... in three trips during September, we've been rained on more total time than we haven't. Two trips were almost all rain, and one trip we never once saw a cloud in the sky. It's a trade-off. Even in high-use areas you may only see 2 or 3 canoes a day in September... or none other than yours.

Most campsites I've used have been more than big enough for four folks - just scout them out before you unload. Make sure you have enough flat area for all your tents... that's really the only true necessity. Every once in a while, we find what looks like a perfect campsite from the shore, but upon scouting realize that it doesn't have an appropriate spot for the tent... sloped, tree roots, rocky, etc. Clearly better for hammock sleepers.

jamotrade 03/21/2017 12:09PM
Hey Big Bri. We are going to do a trip like that this summer. Entering at Trout Lake and heading up to Buck Lake via Pine Creek. Nice area and plenty of seclusion in less than a full day of travel. I have been through there on a daytrip in the past but our 2017 trip is a lot like yours. Looking for solitude and good fishing on a 5 day basecamp. From that area, Cummings is a great smallmouth lake with good numbers and some big ones, Buck/Western/Glenmore are good walleye lakes, and Chad has largemouth bass. I will keep you posted on how it goes.
Grandma L 03/21/2017 10:30AM
In September you will not have high usage any where so you can pretty much pick your area. I really like the Ely/ Echo Trail entry points - Each of these are a day travel or maybe a little more.
Remember, September has less daylight and cooler temps (both water and air).
#16 Moose River North up to Shell or Lynx
#14 Little Indian Sioux North north to Nina, Agnes and then Tiger Bay (pictographs)
#23 Mudro up to Fourtown, Fairy, Boot and Gun
In a day's travel you can be in pretty good fishing and sort of alone or at least not have people on top of your site.

The Mudro entry might be the best -
johndku 03/21/2017 09:35AM
From Michwall2:

"Option 3.
Entry 54. Seagull Lake to Ogishkemuncie. Ogishkemuncie is a good fishing lake. There are daytrips south to Mueller Falls and northwest to Eddy Falls and SAK. You will paddle through burn to get to Ogishkemuncie but the burn stops about a third of the way through Ogishkemuncie and you should be able to find hammock hangs on the west end of the lake. "

This (above) is the trip I'm planning this year. Lots of good day trip possibilities from Ogish. You can make Ogish in about 6 hours from that EP. Alpine and Red Rock are both day trips from Ogish, both are good fishing lakes. Red Rock mostly unaffected by burns. I spent a few days on Red Rock last summer, lots of fishing success and some decent campsites.

Bigbriwi 03/21/2017 09:26AM
quote Grandma L: "quote BasecampMom: "Any particular affinity towards the Gunflint side? The Ely side? Sawbill, or is it all game?
We absolutely LOVED the SE site on Vista. Top notch.
Other thoughts that come to mind, a basecamp on Fairy Lake out of Mudro, or a basecamp on the SE site on Lynx out of LIS N. "

How far do you want to travel into the BWCA to your basecamp site? a day, 2 or a few hours? "

A day travel is fine, couple days might be pushing it.
Grandma L 03/21/2017 08:29AM
quote BasecampMom: "Any particular affinity towards the Gunflint side? The Ely side? Sawbill, or is it all game?
We absolutely LOVED the SE site on Vista. Top notch.
Other thoughts that come to mind, a basecamp on Fairy Lake out of Mudro, or a basecamp on the SE site on Lynx out of LIS N. "

How far do you want to travel into the BWCA to your basecamp site? a day, 2 or a few hours?
BigBri 03/20/2017 06:04PM
Thanks for the advice guys, some of the areas are on my short list. My biggest concern is they look busy, little less concerned since we will be going in September.
BasecampMom 03/20/2017 05:24PM
Any particular affinity towards the Gunflint side? The Ely side? Sawbill, or is it all game?

We absolutely LOVED the SE site on Vista. Top notch.

Other thoughts that come to mind, a basecamp on Fairy Lake out of Mudro, or a basecamp on the SE site on Lynx out of LIS N.
Michwall2 03/19/2017 09:55PM
I have a couple suggestions for you.

Option1. Entry 37 Kawishiwi Lake to Malberg Lake. Good fishing and you have daytrip options to:
Northwest- Adams and Boulder
Southwest- Fishdance and pictographs
Northeast - Makwa and the cliffs
East- Louse River to Frond and Boze Lakes.

Option 2
Entry 39 Baker Lake to South Temperance.
Good fishing. Beautiful paddle. Daytrip to Cherokee or out on Brule.

Option 3.
Entry 54. Seagull Lake to Ogishkemuncie. Ogishkemuncie is a good fishing lake. There are daytrips south to Mueller Falls and northwest to Eddy Falls and SAK. You will paddle through burn to get to Ogishkemuncie but the burn stops about a third of the way through Ogishkemuncie and you should be able to find hammock hangs on the west end of the lake.

Hope you have a great trip!
Michwall2 03/19/2017 09:52PM
quote Northwoodsman: "Cherokee Lake. You can get there from a multitude of EP's. #38 Sawbill to Cherokee Lake will take you the better part of a day. #39 Baker Lake to Cherokee will take 2 days. #50 Cross Bay to Cherokee will be a full day."

I love Cherokee for the scenery but you won't catch smb or walleye there. It's a lake trout and northern pike lake.
rayljr1 03/19/2017 09:07PM
Last year we base camped on Fourtown Lake at the far north east area of the lake. It was fairly secluded. I caught some bass and bluegill right from the bank.
We found a nice area with a lot of walleye just to the east of the campsite. There is the Moosecamp river to the north which is scenic.

I have uploaded a picture and map. The red arrow and dot is the camp we stayed at. The green arrow is Moosecamp river (beaver dams and some tall hills along the way. The red circle is the area we found many walleye about 7' - 8' deep on leaches.

The portages into the lake are a bit rough, with some rocky areas to deal with.

Camp view:


Northwoodsman 03/19/2017 08:50PM
Cherokee Lake. You can get there from a multitude of EP's. #38 Sawbill to Cherokee Lake will take you the better part of a day. #39 Baker Lake to Cherokee will take 2 days. #50 Cross Bay to Cherokee will be a full day.
Bigbriwi 03/19/2017 08:41PM
quote quark2222: "Well, if you entered at Kawishiwi Lake EP 37, made it to Vista, which is east of Gaskin, and then went back to EP 37 in 6 days, that was one tough trip in that short of a time! You must have traveled every day very hard, and have pretty much seen a lot of what the area has to offer.

For a future trip, I would suggest going out of EP37 and head north to Adams, and maybe west or northwest to Thomas or Fraser if you want to see some new ground. I've been to Adams twice and loved it, but never further west to the other two lakes mentioned. EP37 is nice.

I remember grilling up some filet Mignon on a campfire at my site at the EP when it started raining hard. Found a cedar plank floating in the water, which I grabbed as a plate, and ate the steaks underneath the overhang at the toilet with my Swiss army knife that I bought in Tijuana in 1979 with an ice cold Miller High Life Lite as it was pouring rain. It was perfection.

Sorry I meant 47
bwcadan 03/19/2017 08:37PM
If you are interested in the actual basecamp ideas for while you are there, see the bottom forum. Something there will enhance your base camping time. Even if only to reinforce what you are already planning.

As for traveling light on day trips, you can probably travel some 20 miles easily if you are fairly proficient paddlers. More if quite good paddlers.
quark2222 03/19/2017 07:10PM
Well, if you entered at Kawishiwi Lake EP 37, made it to Vista, which is east of Gaskin, and then went back to EP 37 in 6 days, that was one tough trip in that short of a time! You must have traveled every day very hard, and have pretty much seen a lot of what the area has to offer.

For a future trip, I would suggest going out of EP37 and head north to Adams, and maybe west or northwest to Thomas or Fraser if you want to see some new ground. I've been to Adams twice and loved it, but never further west to the other two lakes mentioned. EP37 is nice.

I remember grilling up some filet Mignon on a campfire at my site at the EP when it started raining hard. Found a cedar plank floating in the water, which I grabbed as a plate, and ate the steaks underneath the overhang at the toilet with my Swiss army knife that I bought in Tijuana in 1979 with an ice cold Miller High Life Lite as it was pouring rain. It was perfection.

Bigbriwi 03/19/2017 06:04PM
Last year when I planned our first trip to the BWCA it seemed so much easier than this year. I guess I am just concerned that the trip isn't going to be as awesome as last years!!

This year my wife and I are heading out the first week of September for a 6 day trip. We are looking to do a more laid back trip and basecamp the whole time, don't mind putting in the work to get in and out.

Our two most important things we are looking for is seclusion and good walleye and smallmouth fishing, scenery and wildlife are a big plus. From what I have seen there is no shortage of scenery no matter where you go. Not really interested in staying in burned out areas because we like to hang hammocks.

Last time entered at 47 and spent half our trip on Vista and half on Meeds, would not be against going back there because we loved it so much. Just wanted to get some ideas from you guys on other good basecamp ideas.

Thanks guys,