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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Trip Planning Forum
       Isle royale
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 03:39PM
Isle royale

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boonie 09/05/2017 05:50AM
Glad to hear everything worked out well; will look forward to hearing more about it.
DeanL 09/04/2017 09:11PM
Glad to hear you had a good time MT. Hopefully you can share some of the details once you get caught up.
overthehill 09/04/2017 06:12PM
Glad you had a good time. Good to see you back safe.
mastertangler 09/04/2017 05:15PM
Back.......very satisfying. Good to finally get the big boat back in the water. Did lots of hiking, saw lots of moose, personal best on pike at 42 but thick. Four other notables at 38" and better. No big lakers, but plenty for fish fries and zero coaster brooks. Solo, but met lots of interesting folks. Good to go, but good to get back :-)

SaganagaJoe 08/09/2017 03:12PM
quote mastertangler: "Leaving tomorrow probably about 4a.m., some 11 hour drive.

Went through my food stuffs and took out the coffee (the HORROR) and ditched the pancake mix and pure maple syrup (gluten / sugar).

I felt like the Lord is dealing with me about my coffee addiction. I have a strong suspicion it might have lots to do with my joints stiffening up. Same with the gluten and sugar.

I have replaced my coffee with Chamomile tea (ewwww, blech) which supposedly has lots of anti-inflammatory effects.

So things might be rough for a few days, but maybe not. "

Two words: ginger tea. Oh, saw you've left. Guess you'll just have to get it for the next trip.
Pinetree 08/08/2017 09:11PM
quote mastertangler: "Fun evening.........I had expected to sleep in my van but instead got one of the last remaining rooms here in Copper Harbor. Hung out at the local establishments and ate some whitefish cakes which were better than any crab cakes I have ever had. Impressive! Shot a few games of pool and ready to grab some breakfast in the morn and unload my stuff for the ferry to you in 24 days. "

Sometimes when going solo it can be very relaxing and enjoyable like it seems your enjoying.

Have fun.
mastertangler 08/08/2017 08:27PM
Fun evening.........I had expected to sleep in my van but instead got one of the last remaining rooms here in Copper Harbor. Hung out at the local establishments and ate some whitefish cakes which were better than any crab cakes I have ever had. Impressive! Shot a few games of pool and ready to grab some breakfast in the morn and unload my stuff for the ferry to you in 24 days.
GreyOwl 08/07/2017 10:16PM
Have an excellent trip.
I'm anxious to hear your report upon return.
mastertangler 08/07/2017 04:20PM
Leaving tomorrow probably about 4a.m., some 11 hour drive.

Went through my food stuffs and took out the coffee (the HORROR) and ditched the pancake mix and pure maple syrup (gluten / sugar).

I felt like the Lord is dealing with me about my coffee addiction. I have a strong suspicion it might have lots to do with my joints stiffening up. Same with the gluten and sugar.

I have replaced my coffee with Chamomile tea (ewwww, blech) which supposedly has lots of anti-inflammatory effects.

So things might be rough for a few days, but maybe not.
mastertangler 08/04/2017 07:42AM
quote Winemaker: "
I spent seven days paddling and hiking the five fingers (north end) using my Sawyer Autumn Mist solo canoe. Rock Harbor across to Duncan Bay. A day on Belle Isle then on to Pickerel Cove. A scary open water transit to McCargo Cove, then on to Chickenbone Lake. Lake Ritchie into Siskiwit, back towards Chippewa Harbor inland, and an early morning fast paddle on glass like open water back to Rock Harbor. Truly a trip of a lifetime, great memories....


We did a somewhat similar trip but in reverse. And instead of making the open water paddle from Rock Harbor to Chippewa (several miles) we used the water taxi. From McCargo to Pickeral cove is only about 1 mile of unprotected water......pick your time and enjoy the scenery.

What did you think of the 1 mile portage from Rock Harbor (Tobin bay) across the Greenstone ridge into Duncan? From every description I had heard it was a beast but I thought it completely anti climactic and consider plenty of other portages in the Quetico or WCPP far more difficult. Nice smooth trail, board walked through the swamp and switch backed up and across the ridge. No swamp to wade through and no rock gardens........Beast? Hardly!
Winemaker 08/04/2017 05:18AM

I spent seven days paddling and hiking the five fingers (north end) using my Sawyer Autumn Mist solo canoe. Rock Harbor across to Duncan Bay. A day on Belle Isle then on to Pickerel Cove. A scary open water transit to McCargo Cove, then on to Chickenbone Lake. Lake Ritchie into Siskiwit, back towards Chippewa Harbor inland, and an early morning fast paddle on glass like open water back to Rock Harbor. Truly a trip of a lifetime, great memories....

mastertangler 08/03/2017 10:41PM
quote brantlars: "I am also looking forward to a trip report..i know the laker fishing has been good out there..i want to take the family out to fish the inland lakes. .so dont be scared to wet a line in a blast MT"

Yo Brantlers
I have a week planned in between pick ups at Malone bay. A short portage will put me on big Siskiwit lake which also has access to Wood lake. Wood lake has a very nice canoe campsite and excellent pike fishing. Otherwise, all my time will be on Superior. I passed through Siskiwit several years ago and it looked very interesting.

Shock glad to hear you are on the mend. I am good to go and feel good. But my emphasis on this trip will be what the Lord told me........."Go and get healthy"

I have spent the better part of a year refining a fishing strategy but now it looks like a yoga mat and a foam block as well as a couple trekking poles and some hiking boots are going to be eating up big chunks of time. Hopefully I will be able to manage a few memorable fish. what a life, ranger at isle cool would that be? Not so hard to hang out there. In lots of ways it's easier than the Quetico. Certainly this trip should be one of easiest ever getting dropped off on a cement dock every 3 or 4 days.

My advice for a week long open canoe trips at isle royals is forget about the inland lakes (as good or better in BWCA or Quetico) but instead hang out in the 5 finger region. Largely protected waters suitable for open canoes with the harsh beauty of Lake Superior.
DeanL 08/03/2017 10:30PM
Have an amazing trip MT! I can't wait to read your reports when you get back. My wife's cousin is a ranger up there, hearing her experiences makes me want to go really bad.
shock 08/03/2017 10:24PM
MT , a bulging disc , can i say L5S1 ? i've been out of work for 2 months with mine, finally got back this week , yes core exercise , keep them up, if still in pain have you consider a cortisone injection ? (i got one this week) and i also just dropped some money on better footwear with quality inserts, if considering the shot get it 4 to 5 days before your trip, IMO
boonie 08/03/2017 10:14PM
Have a good trip, MT! A woman I know circumnavigated it (hiking) quite a few years ago and really liked it.
brantlars 08/03/2017 07:11PM
I am also looking forward to a trip report..i know the laker fishing has been good out there..i want to take the family out to fish the inland lakes. .so dont be scared to wet a line in a blast MT
mastertangler 08/03/2017 07:12AM
quote Pinetree: "Good trip and you have built in some flexibility."

Hey thanks Pinetree.
mastertangler 08/03/2017 07:06AM
quote oldzip: "good trip...will look forward to reading about your trip...

Old Zip/sidelined with a broken tibia "

Geez what a bummer......I know you had a planned Woodland Caribou trip planned. Lord let there be complete restoration for old Zip in Jesus name.
Pinetree 08/02/2017 10:05PM
Good trip and you have built in some flexibility.
oldzip 08/02/2017 07:58PM
good trip...will look forward to reading about your trip...

Old Zip/sidelined with a broken tibia
mastertangler 08/02/2017 06:56PM
It wasn't but 3 weeks ago my entire trip was in serious doubt. A bulging disc in my lumbar made walking quite painful. A word to the wise.......don't carry extra weight and try and have good posture. I have dropped 10 and gotten into a stretching / core routine every morning and I am better.

I considered perhaps going for a shorter time frame than the 24 days I had scheduled. I inquired of the Lord what I should do and he answered before I had finished asking the question......"go and get healthy" was what I it's looks like I am on. Whew!

Although I have the ideal boat to circumnavigate the island and a plenteous time frame to accomplish it I have limited time in the vessel (9 days) as well as limited big water canoeing experience. Superior is very unforgiving so I opted to be a live dog instead of a dead lion. The Voyager 2 is a water taxi service which will deposit you, your canoe and gear amongst any of 6 points around the island. I have contracted with them for 5 stops. I will be able to say I have been around the entire island ;-)

If the lake is not to my liking for paddling then numerous hiking opportunities exist. I am not sure what the fishing opportunities will offer but I am armed for bear seeing I have very little in the way of portages.

As per my custom I will journal and take pics and post the trip report. Who knows, maybe someone else might want to do a similar trip. My ferry over is on the 9th of August. Wish me luck.