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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Trip Planning Forum
       We could use some help planning a great trip
Date/Time: 09/28/2024 10:03AM
We could use some help planning a great trip

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dblwhiskey 01/26/2018 09:11AM
FOG51: "As one proud Navy father to another I can relate to your situation. About 12 years ago both of my youngest sons joined the Navy [went into the Nuke program] just before they left for boot camp we all went to the Bright Sands river system in Ontario for a week trip, the next trip we got to go on togather was in 2012 when we all went to WCPP for 10 days and although they are now out of the Navy we haven't been able to get togather for another trip. Not tripping with them is tough but the places they got to go to and the sights they got to see are places I didn't even know exsisted. No matter where you go I'm sure it will a great trip. Be sure you thank them from me and my 2 NAVY sons. FRED"

Fred, I am not just a proud Navy father I'm also a Navy retiree myself. His desire to go into the the Navy is a "curse" brought on by me. I was the person that actually delivered him into this world. No spectacular story behind but I had delivered several other babies while I worked Labor & Delivery at Balboa Naval Hosp, so I helped as an EMT with our fire dept when he was born and asked the doctor on one of my wife's visits to the doctor if I could do the delivery. I used the excuse of a severe snowstorm and it being 20 miles from my town to the hospital and some experience would be good. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. So the doctor agreed and I delivered him but the accusation has been made that some of the "Navy salt" on me rubbed off at birth. My wife and 2 other children say it's "Me and Mini Me" and if you were to experience both of us in a room together you might gather the same conclusion. So yes I have seen much of the world he will see and there are things and places I've seen that he won't and vice versa for him I'm sure. I will pass on your thanks and would ask that you do the same for me with your 2 Navy sons. MARK

As a side note, people here will talk about how they love the drive along Lake Superior and I agree it is pleasant to look out at but after spending days, weeks and months with out seeing land it just doesn't strike me with as much awe as it does for others here. The same thing goes for the iron ore ships, I feel a little pull to go out with one but they're are no aircraft carrier with the crew size it carried, the launch and recovery of aircraft, the hustle and bustle of all of our daily activities. I just don't think it would compare.
FOG51 01/26/2018 01:40AM
As one proud Navy father to another I can relate to your situation. About 12 years ago both of my youngest sons joined the Navy [went into the Nuke program] just before they left for boot camp we all went to the Bright Sands river system in Ontario for a week trip, the next trip we got to go on togather was in 2012 when we all went to WCPP for 10 days and although they are now out of the Navy we haven't been able to get togather for another trip. Not tripping with them is tough but the places they got to go to and the sights they got to see are places I didn't even know exsisted. No matter where you go I'm sure it will a great trip. Be sure you thank them from me and my 2 NAVY sons. FRED
dblwhiskey 01/25/2018 01:45PM
Thanks for your input on the burn areas. I was aware of that and we have actually been back in on the Numbered Lakes since the fire but I'm not that familiar with fishing conditions in there. You do bring up a good point though with the burn areas if we are also thinking about a positive experience for my son's girlfriend on her first trip which weighs in on our planning also. Something more to ponder, hmm.
treehorn 01/25/2018 10:07AM
Re: EP #33, the initial portage is not difficult. Depending on how far you want to go, you can also head to Bald Eagle, which has 'eyes as well.

This is true, that portage is not that difficult. Just a bit of a buggy walk through the woods, with maybe some questionable footing here or there and possibly some mud.

Just one other thing to note regarding your possible plans...the numbered lakes are definitely in a burn zone, all the way through Hudson and part of Insula. I've personally never been through them so maybe others with experience can weigh in with the condition of the forests and "feel" of that specific area. But I have been through other burn zones and I am not a fan of spending much time just isn't the same for me. So that's something to maybe think about.
carmike 01/24/2018 09:24PM
For 'eyes around Ely, you have plenty of options.

It sounds like your son is in good shape. I'm guessing his gf is also fit. Maybe consider Stuart? The initial portage is not that hard (it's long...but flat). Stuart has TONS of walleyes, and it's a few portages away from Iron, which has more fish than you can shake an Ugly Stick at (and a nice waterfall to boot).

Re: EP #33, the initial portage is not difficult. Depending on how far you want to go, you can also head to Bald Eagle, which has 'eyes as well.

Honestly, you can't really go wrong for good walleye lakes near Ely in early June. Just my .02.
cyclones30 01/24/2018 06:19PM
Hope your trip is great. Ely has some great options for walleye. I'd throw out a few other options since I'm not familiar with the ones you listed. Mudro to Boot and beyond or Mudro to Jackfish Bay of basswood. Fish below the falls or camp there even. Great sights, great fishing, not difficult travel.

If you're efficient and get a decent start in the morning both of those can be reached by lunch on the first day.
dblwhiskey 01/24/2018 04:48PM
This will not be our first trip to the BWCA but it will be the last for awhile for my youngest son. He will graduate from high school this year in late May and then about mid July he will depart for the Navy. He has chosen a very challenging career for himself and has met all of the physical requirements to get accepted into the field he wishes to enter in. As I said it may be quite a few years before he will have the chance to go back on another trip so we (my wife and I) would like to make this a very memorable trip for him. This also is looking to be a first trip for his girlfriend to join us and we would like for it to be a positive trip for her. As my wife says, we don't know what the future holds for them but she would like for his girlfriend to have enjoyable experience that she may want to repeat again in the future.

So our number 1 requirement is simple, fishing for Walleye, my son has expressed this as a major goal for this trip. We are looking at some Ely entry points. Possibly EP 30 into the Numbered Lakes, EP 32 into S Kawishiwi River or EP 33 into Little Gabbro. We will most likely stay at VNO before going in and maybe for an evening when we come out. We are thinking about 4 to 5 days in length for this trip into the Bdub. We are thinking about an earlier June time frame for this trip but it's open for some movement up or back. I gather earlier is better for the fishing from what I read here but there are also those that seem to just to be good at fishing no matter when they go. Any tips on good fishing areas would also be very much appreciated. We don't need to rent any gear our only need will be an additional canoe. We have some reservations on EP 33 with it's long portage but I've heard the terrain is not so bad it's just the length. What are your experiences with it? I've also heard that the length shown on the maps is not accurate, so what is the actual number of rods for it?

I, we, would greatly appreciate any and all help you may be able to offer, it means an awful lot for this trip and to us. My son's favorite saying when he has done something I would like to wring his neck for is, "it's about the memories dad" and then he smiles and I defuse (he's still in trouble, I'm just not as mad). I know much of what lies ahead for my son and I would like this trip to be a positive memory for when his limits are pushed. Thanks.