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       EP 47 - Lizz Advice: Tripping with my Dad
Date/Time: 09/28/2024 01:50PM
EP 47 - Lizz Advice: Tripping with my Dad

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YetiJedi 02/02/2022 11:01PM
wxce1260: "If you camp on Horseshoe--take the quick trip south to Vista. It is a beautiful lake. If you are able to stop and explore the campsite on the far south west corner there is a bunch of old evidence of a old logging operation and some artifacts. It is a bit of a climb up I brought my 76 year old dad to it last year and he made the climb-albeit slowly.


Thanks, wxce! Added Vista to our plan options! :)
YetiJedi 02/02/2022 11:00PM
wanderingfromkansas: "YetiJedi:

"A different planning website estimates the travel time to the west end of Winchell at close to six hours. Seems like your group should be able to make it just fine, barring weather."

Is that from P. planner, or another? Thanks!"

Yep, that's the one I used for the estimate.
wxce1260 02/02/2022 09:39PM
If you camp on Horseshoe--take the quick trip south to Vista. It is a beautiful lake. If you are able to stop and explore the campsite on the far south west corner there is a bunch of old evidence of a old logging operation and some artifacts. It is a bit of a climb up I brought my 76 year old dad to it last year and he made the climb-albeit slowly.

wanderingfromkansas 02/02/2022 11:29AM

"A different planning website estimates the travel time to the west end of Winchell at close to six hours. Seems like your group should be able to make it just fine, barring weather."

Is that from P. planner, or another? Thanks!
YetiJedi 01/30/2022 08:58PM
HowardSprague: "I've not been there but will in August. Have been looking at maps every day,and think I will make the route so that when I paddle Winchell it will be from west to east, to plan for potential headwinds. So instead of Gaskin --> Winchell, I think we'll loop it so we enter Winchell from the Omega side. Might be easier."

Howard Sprague, haven't heard that name since Earnest T. Bass!!!

Check in with me in mid-June and I'll give you a trip report...we plan to do the route west to east on Winchell as well. Of course, if the fishing is good we might cruise up and down Winchell a few times!
YetiJedi 01/30/2022 06:38PM
ghamer: "Sounds like a great trip plan! We did most of that trip last spring. You can see a small waterfall from Horseshoe Lake near the Vista portage and another on Winchell... I think you already mentioned that one.
Here is my YouTube slide show from that trip.


Thank you, Gary, for posting. It was this exact video that convinced us to do this route! Looks like you had some success fishing too! Beautiful photography, as always...sure enjoy your videos. Hope you enjoy some paddling and photography again this season.
ghamer 01/30/2022 05:46PM
Sounds like a great trip plan! We did most of that trip last spring. You can see a small waterfall from Horseshoe Lake near the Vista portage and another on Winchell... I think you already mentioned that one.
Here is my YouTube slide show from that trip.

HowardSprague 01/30/2022 11:26AM
I've not been there but will in August. Have been looking at maps every day,and think I will make the route so that when I paddle Winchell it will be from west to east, to plan for potential headwinds. So instead of Gaskin --> Winchell, I think we'll loop it so we enter Winchell from the Omega side. Might be easier.
YetiJedi 01/29/2022 08:54PM
ducks: "Rockwood is awesome and I like using their bunkhouse and pushing off from their beach at first light to beat the crowds and wind. . I’ve been to the area a few times and love it.
I’ve seen moose a few times, seen fresh wolf scat near Pillsbury and seen wolves on Horseshoe.

I really like the small lakes in the area. Horseshoe and Omega are favorites, but Pillsbury is my sleeper in the area. Only 2 campsites and one isn’t very nice and one is ok so It’s very quiet and doesn’t get much traffic. We had it to ourselves for 2 nights with only 1 group passing through while we were there. Had decent luck fishing as well for walleye and smallies. Eastern most site is nicer and we caught some of our fish from camp. "

Thanks, Ducks! We hope to find some solitude in a few spots and we'll make sure to check out Pillsbury. It would be awesome to observe a moose or a wolf! Hope your trips go well for you. :)
ducks 01/29/2022 10:30AM
Rockwood is awesome and I like using their bunkhouse and pushing off from their beach at first light to beat the crowds and wind. . I’ve been to the area a few times and love it.
I’ve seen moose a few times, seen fresh wolf scat near Pillsbury and seen wolves on Horseshoe.

I really like the small lakes in the area. Horseshoe and Omega are favorites, but Pillsbury is my sleeper in the area. Only 2 campsites and one isn’t very nice and one is ok so It’s very quiet and doesn’t get much traffic. We had it to ourselves for 2 nights with only 1 group passing through while we were there. Had decent luck fishing as well for walleye and smallies. Eastern most site is nicer and we caught some of our fish from camp.
YetiJedi 01/29/2022 10:14AM
Northwoodsman: "Reach out to Mike or Carl at Rockwood Lodge & Outfitters, they are right there at EP #47. If you need any outfitting or a bunkhouse, I highly recommend them. They are great to work with. Stay at their bunkhouse the night before and paddle away from there dock straight to the EP nice and rested, it doesn't get any better or easier than that."

Thanks, Northwoodsman! Reservation at Rockwood Lodge is secured...that'll work perfect!
YetiJedi 01/29/2022 10:12AM
AirPrex: "Campsite 628 on Gaskin is pretty sweet if you can get it. Stayed there for a 4 nights a few years ago. Was supposedly built for VP Walter Mondale back in the day. 634 on Gaskin also looked nice in passing. We enjoyed day tripping to the surrounding lakes and saw lots of wildlife. Ran into a Moose mom and calf at the end of the portage into Pillsbery which was cool. Talked to a guy on Pillsbery who had seen a wolf a couple nights prior as well. Should be a great area for him to do some photography."

Thanks for the campsite tip, AirPrex! Pics of 628 are impressive! Every report I hear about moose in the area make me more and more excited!!!
YetiJedi 01/29/2022 10:09AM
merlyn: "I did a similar trip last May and can't say enough good things about it except for Henson Lake which didn't impress me. From Horseshoe to Allen you will pass through a narrow, rocky stretch which opens out into a shallow weedy bay just before the Allen portage. Fish the deeper water just as the narrows open up."

Hey, Merlyn, thanks for the tip! The spot is marked on my map and we'll throw some bait into the deeper waters there and see what hits. Much appreciated!
YetiJedi 01/29/2022 10:07AM
wanderingfromkansas: "I'm not experienced in this area, but I plan to be in the same area, around the same time. I won't have as much time as you, so I won't make the loop, just into Winchell and back.

I'm familiar with campsite reviews of Winchell, Caribou and Horeshoe. All have some top-notch sites, from what I gather.

I hope you all have a great trip and leave some of those Winchell lakers for me!

I have two questions for those reading this thread:

1) Is one day enough to get from Rockwood Lodge to the west end of Winchell?

2) I've never gone dryfoot. Would you recommend the combination of waterproof socks and Oboz Sandals? The sandals are what I normally use when wetfooting."

Hi WanderingfromKansas...

A different planning website estimates the travel time to the west end of Winchell at close to six hours. Seems like your group should be able to make it just fine, barring weather.

I've tried dryfoot, and it works when landings cooperate, but I've simply found a pair of good wool socks and my favorite tennis shoes work great for me. If you like sandals, I would imagine your setup would be great. I have tried two different kinds of waterproof socks and my feet are always wet. Either I have to go in too deep and water seeps in the top (usually) or I think they simply leak very slowly. They are, however, far superior to wool socks in keeping out sand. Just my experiences...

We'll certainly leave you a few lakers...tight lines!
YetiJedi 01/29/2022 09:56AM
KawnipiKid: "Great your dad can join you. We love site 767 (third from the east) on Winchell. It is exposed to wind but can't be beat for the view. The somewhat hidden outflow falls and creek near the site are great to explore. The little falls coming out of Tremble into Winchell are nice too."

Thanks, Kawnipikid! We'll check out both of the falls for sure!
Northwoodsman 01/28/2022 05:16PM
Reach out to Mike or Carl at Rockwood Lodge & Outfitters, they are right there at EP #47. If you need any outfitting or a bunkhouse, I highly recommend them. They are great to work with. Stay at their bunkhouse the night before and paddle away from there dock straight to the EP nice and rested, it doesn't get any better or easier than that.
AirPrex 01/28/2022 04:23PM
Campsite 628 on Gaskin is pretty sweet if you can get it. Stayed there for a 4 nights a few years ago. Was supposedly built for VP Walter Mondale back in the day. 634 on Gaskin also looked nice in passing. We enjoyed day tripping to the surrounding lakes and saw lots of wildlife. Ran into a Moose mom and calf at the end of the portage into Pillsbery which was cool. Talked to a guy on Pillsbery who had seen a wolf a couple nights prior as well. Should be a great area for him to do some photography.
merlyn 01/28/2022 03:22PM
I did a similar trip last May and can't say enough good things about it except for Henson Lake which didn't impress me. From Horseshoe to Allen you will pass through a narrow, rocky stretch which opens out into a shallow weedy bay just before the Allen portage. Fish the deeper water just as the narrows open up.
wanderingfromkansas 01/28/2022 02:17PM
I'm not experienced in this area, but I plan to be in the same area, around the same time. I won't have as much time as you, so I won't make the loop, just into Winchell and back.

I'm familiar with campsite reviews of Winchell, Caribou and Horeshoe. All have some top-notch sites, from what I gather.

I hope you all have a great trip and leave some of those Winchell lakers for me!

I have two questions for those reading this thread:

1) Is one day enough to get from Rockwood Lodge to the west end of Winchell?

2) I've never gone dryfoot. Would you recommend the combination of waterproof socks and Oboz Sandals? The sandals are what I normally use when wetfooting.
KawnipiKid 01/28/2022 12:37PM
Great your dad can join you. We love site 767 (third from the east) on Winchell. It is exposed to wind but can't be beat for the view. The somewhat hidden outflow falls and creek near the site are great to explore. The little falls coming out of Tremble into Winchell are nice too.
YetiJedi 01/27/2022 09:37PM
My Dad and I drew a permit for late May and we have eleven days to explore through EP 47 - Lizz. My Dad, from Idaho, is in his 70s and we've been to the BWCA three of the last four years - grateful every time we get to go.

He's into photography and will bring his nice cameras. We'll fish every day too. We plan to go from Caribou through the smaller lakes to Omega, down to Winchell, and back through Gaskin and Horsehoe. We'll probably camp a few days in each of three, maybe four different spots. I've read all of the trip reports on the area too.

My question for those of you who have been through this area, if you would be so kind, is to share any ideas on cool sites to see, hidden waterfalls, vistas, etc. We also wouldn't mind any fishing tips! :)

Anyway, super excited and grateful to go with my Dad again. Thanks for any input to help us out!