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       Crab Lake
Date/Time: 07/01/2024 03:38AM
Crab Lake

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boonie 03/08/2010 07:49PM
Yeah, we estimated it to be about 1 1/4 miles, just like TGO said.
The Great Outdoors 03/08/2010 02:27PM
The old Crab Lake portage was 320 rds (1 mile)
The new one is closer to 400 rds, and about 1/2 mile south of the old portage.
K2 03/08/2010 08:49AM
I basecamped on Crab with my son last year in June. The initial portage is a bit tough but not as bad as I thought it would be. Had a great time fishing all the lakes around it and caught a ton of bass and some nice bluegill on the Korb lots of good day trips from there. You can look at the map section on this site for camps, First we were on #311 and camp is on the side of a hill and the only pad that would fit a 4 man tent was not level at all. We moved to #309 and it was a nice site with level pads and a good view. Good luck.
boonie 03/04/2010 07:18PM
I entered Crab Lake a couple of years ago. We stayed on Cummings, Korb, and Crab Lake. We took a tow across Burntside. The initial portage is long - probably even more than 320 rods - but is not difficult otherwise. The path is good and the inclines mostly gradual. The beginning of the portage was moved a few years ago, so make sure you know where it now begins if you don't take the tow. The portages after that are short and easy. The southwestern campsite on Crab was nice. The lone campsite on Korb was adequate for the two of us, but lacked a good tent pad. It had a great view from atop the cliff, but a steep climb to get there. The Korb River was an enjoyable paddle.
ChicagoJosh 03/04/2010 02:42PM
Hello there,

I did Crab lake last Memorial day weekend. It starts with a paddle across BIG Burntside Lake...probably about 3 miles. Then hell begins haha. It is a 320 rod (1.5 mile) portage from Burntside Lake to Crab Lake. Pack light!!!!

from Crab Lake you can access little Crab, and Cummins Lakes. We caught a TON of bass. Camped on a private island on Cummins, and in general had a very pleasent experiance. the only downer of Crab Lake Entry is the initial portage. Enjoy!
roronate 02/26/2010 11:06AM
We are thinking about Crab Lake and surrounding lakes as a camping destination in June or August. Can anyone give us some insight on the lake such as water clarity (stained?), fishing, camp sites, portages, etc.