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       Stanton Bay to Russell Route
Date/Time: 09/27/2024 02:40PM
Stanton Bay to Russell Route

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gymcoachdon 08/07/2021 08:04PM
I did the Deux on the way to McDougall, then returned through the B chain. I enjoyed the Deux, but I had high water, so floated over three beaver dams. Oliphant portage was a bear, but I decided to make that my last portage of a long day. I should have camped before it! It is one of the prettiest portages I have done though, with several overlooks over the river below.
AdamXChicago 08/07/2021 04:46PM
Having done that stretch a number of times, you’re not going to enjoy the pull-through, drag-over that a mostly-dry Deux is likely going to be. The portage from Fern to Oliphant is downhill (east to west) and although it’s not short, you do get some nice scenery along the path. There’s a great resting spot about half-way through the portage that overlooks the rapids (see if the half-bent canoe is still wrapped around one of the boulders down in the water). If you’re antsy to see the Deux, try taking that route on the way back - at least your food pack will be lighter. More times than not, the Deux has been very shallow in late summer. Hey, at least you’ll be in Quetico ;-)
Argo 08/06/2021 10:19AM
Mocha: "i did the bisk, beg, bug, fern.... route, beautiful!!!!! not been on the other route. whats a few extra miles? you're on a canoe trip, take your time. "

Jean Creek was no cakewalk in low water. I compared photos of a site on Sturgeon from last year to this year and it is down another several inches. Deux Rivieres will be a challenge.

I agree with Mocha. The B-chain is delightful. One 1km portage is the only one with any significant length. In my view it's a no-brainer.
Mocha 08/06/2021 08:44AM
i did the bisk, beg, bug, fern.... route, beautiful!!!!! not been on the other route. whats a few extra miles? you're on a canoe trip, take your time.
Waterboy 08/06/2021 08:04AM
We are planning an early Sept trip out of Atikokan putting in at Stanton Bay headed for Russell. The shortest and fastest route looks to be Pickerel - Dore' - Twin - Sturgeon - Russell. The route take us through the Dieux Rivieres.

We are concerned that with the dry summer, the Dieux may not be passible. Anyone have any recent experience on this route?

The alternative route would take us through Bud - Fern - Olifaunt and adds 4 portages and 4 miles.

Any insights would be appreciated.
