www.BWCA.com Photo, Forum, BWCA, BWCAW, Quetico Park

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road piling Hudson to Fire

Lake Four-Fire Lake

passage at the north end of Lake Four

exit celebration

breakfast on thomas

hammock bliss

sleeping quarters with tarp pulled back

Cattyman Falls, 2011


wind screen and log hauler


yoga on insula

hammocks on insula

winter paddling

Hammock lashings

DIY using tie down straps. The nylon stretches, use poly webbing.

morning java time

Fire lake, first morning

bandits view

smoke red everywhere

bandits on Insula

wet bandanas helped with breathing

sun rays through smoke

at the line of front and fire, sun to back and fire to face

billowing smoke

shot looking straight up from NE Insula

fire reflection

glow of fire on its own smoke.

blood sun

sun through smoke

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