Basecamping Adventures in WCPP 2013 (57 photos)
We're unloaded and our ride is ready to depart
Saying a last goodbye to the wilderness
Shuttling gear out to our ride home
Morning fog on departure day
And maybe the most interesting sunset for last
Primrose bud
Blue eyed grass
Star flower
Indian Strawberry
and did I mention "Time for a nap"
... and some interesting lighting
Every evening a new show
Still haven't ID'ed this one
Canada Mayflower
Larus Falls (small side channel)
Larus (main) Falls
A little "fire" in the night sky
Peaceful end to another day
"Creative" tarp pitching
Always time for a nap
Still and color of evening
Evening visit from beavers
Bloodvein River campsite (near Larus Lake)