BWCA stanton bay....the road to it. Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      stanton bay....the road to it.     
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07/18/2010 09:55PM  
on it passible with a smallish, front wheel drive car?
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distinguished member(2546)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/19/2010 07:26AM  
Stanton bay allows overnight parking only to Canadians. The rest of us are required to hire an outfitter to drop off & Pick up. The road is subject to washouts and is not well-maintained.
07/19/2010 11:08AM  
Probably not, But I am going in on Sat. for 10 days and can give you report when I return, We wil be using Moose, at Morris Camp.
08/04/2010 01:32PM  
Road to Stanton bay is now in good shape I saw a Scion Xb make it down. But if your not a Canadian you cannot overnite park there. Many local outfitters can provide shuttles. Or you can start at French lake and park there. Anthony
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