BWCA Beaverhouse vs Kawnipi Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Beaverhouse vs Kawnipi     



distinguished member (205)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/13/2014 09:41PM  

01/13/2014 08:58PM

Group of 5 guys planning 1st week August trip to the Q. All are seasoned trippers with many trips under our belt. One has already been to Kawnipi last year and wants to take the rest of us to experience it. Says fishing is unbelievable

I suggested a Beaverhouse entry to change thing up a bit, we have never done a northern entry.

Where would you go? What has better fishing, campsites, solitude etc? We have 6 days 5 nights. Just looking for some opinions.

Many thanks.
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distinguished member(2546)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/14/2014 10:02AM  
Can't go wrong either way. Both options offer fantastic fishing and camping.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/28/2014 01:46PM  
I thought OS pretty well summed it up, but got to thinking about the idea of having someone "show me" the fantastic fishing in Kawnipi, and I think I lean that way. I have been to both areas and both have great fishing and campsites, but I have never had someone along who had fished there before. If one of the group can put the rest on some fish, I'd say go for it. --Goose
01/28/2014 04:12PM  
What entry point to get to Kawnipi? If solitude is on your list of important things it might make a difference.
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/28/2014 04:36PM  
Yeah, Pat is right. I was kind of ignoring the "solitude" idea. But then, "solitude" is mostly "attitude" IMO. (I can find solitude in a crowded room if I try hard enough.) =) --Goose
distinguished member(2546)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/28/2014 05:35PM  
From Beaverhouse, it is easy to get to Cirrus, which has fantastic waldo and laker fishing, as well as good camping options. There is a faded picto on north side of eastern basin. Sue falls is fun to explore. You can't go wrong here. Alternate entry is Lerome.
distinguished member (205)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2014 02:53PM  
quote fishguts: "What entry point to get to Kawnipi? If solitude is on your list of important things it might make a difference."


Thinking of flying in, then paddle out.

distinguished member(2020)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2014 05:48PM  
quote moose664788: "
quote fishguts: "What entry point to get to Kawnipi? If solitude is on your list of important things it might make a difference."


Thinkin of flying in then paddle out"

Fly-in?? Mack Lake. Fish there, then Kawnipi via Wawiag, then exit via Falls Chain. Mack and Kawnipi are great for smallies and walleye. Big pike and lakers on the way out...
distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/04/2014 06:56PM  
Like PineKnot's idea. Loved the Wawiag!!! =) --Goose
distinguished member(808)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/09/2014 06:31PM  
I would suggest that 6 days is not much time if the destination is Kawnipi Lake unless you use the fly in suggestion. Its a solid day+ in and day+ out to hook island unless your super human and can set land speed records like "Primitiveman". Beaverhouse Lake is very doable even down to Jean Lake in one day.

Leaving, I'd probably plan on getting very early start or getting back to Quetico Lake the night prior. East/West winds are a BIG deal on Quetico Lake. We've had rollers coming in our Wenonah Champlain and white knuckles more than once on Quetico Lake. It'll give ya' some stories to tell.

distinguished member (181)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/31/2014 02:44PM  
quote PineKnot: "
quote moose664788: "
quote fishguts: "What entry point to get to Kawnipi? If solitude is on your list of important things it might make a difference."


Thinkin of flying in then paddle out"

Fly-in?? Mack Lake. Fish there, then Kawnipi via Wawiag, then exit via Falls Chain. Mack and Kawnipi are great for smallies and walleye. Big pike and lakers on the way out..."

PIne Knot...Fly in to Mack and paddling out with 4 nights too much of a rush? I'm looking to go in mid may. Thanks guys...
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