BWCA Fishing In The South Boundary Waters Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Quetico Afficionados
      Fishing In The South     



07/25/2014 05:39PM  
I will be starting my 22 day solo trip in late August. Since I am approaching 68 this may be my last HARD trip but definitely not my last trip. Here is my plan: Lake La Croix, Martin Bay, Minn, McAree, Brewer, Pulling, Dahlin, Iron, Crooked, Middle Roland, Roland, Argo, Darky, William, Brent, Conmee, Suzette, Burt, Marj. Paulene, McIntyre, Deer, Cecil, Robinson, Tuck, Sarah, Irene, Kahshahpiwi, Keefer, Sark, Cairns, Cutty, Metacryst, Heronshaw, Shelley, Kawnipi, Montgomery, Alice, Gahn, Chatterton, Russell, Sturgeon, March, Bentpine, Clair, Burntside, Ceph, Jean, Conk, Quetico, Beaverhouse. This will be my 17th 3 week solo trip and my 37th trip in Quetico. My how time flies!
I have always had better luck fishing in the north probably because of familiarity and less fishing. If any of you would like to share via email spots in the south I would really appreciate it. I am an equal opportunity fisherman so any species is fine. Thanks In advance.
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07/25/2014 11:15PM  
I don't believe the fishing pressure is any greater in the south of the park than it is in the north( and is certainly less in the southwest ) at least since the advent of the RABC.
07/26/2014 09:02AM  
The route you are choosing goes through some of the best fishing lakes in the park, as well as many of my personal favorites. You won't need specific location to fish, because walleyes and bass can be found off of so many pieces of structure (reefs off of points, islands, etc.). For lake trout a depth-finder is a big help in eliminating water that is too shallow to hold fish in summer, as well as spotting suspended fish.

I'm almost 53 and get out on pretty rugged trips every year, and it's way cool to see that you are doing the same at 68!! Wonderful! Have fun!

distinguished member(1758)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/26/2014 11:10AM  
I agree with Arctic. Just wondering, though, how much/what fishing tackle you take on such a long solo. Care to share? Have a great trip. --Goose
07/29/2014 04:19PM  
I take two rods, 2 reels and 2 small tackle boxes. I fish with spoons, spinners, crank baits, jigs and airplane jigs.
07/29/2014 09:04PM  
quote OldGreyGoose: "I agree with Arctic. Just wondering, though, how much/what fishing tackle you take on such a long solo. Care to share? Have a great trip. --Goose"

Wow,go for it. That is one heck of a trip. A good solo for me is 5 days.

With all your experience what kind of canoe you taking?

Time does fly,turned 65 and this is my 45th year going to God's canoe country.

One regret,wish I would have kept a diary or log all those years. Started doing that about 10 years ago.

Good luck and looking forward to a trip report,no matter what size.
07/30/2014 03:30PM  
Congratulations on your longevity. You have seen more changes in the park than I have. I only discovered Quetico when I was 30 so I missed a lot of good healthier years.

I rent a canoe from my outfitter as I fly to Quetico. For the last 15 years I have used a 17 foot Swift with one seat in the stern. I throw one pack in the bow and one in the middle. I also remove the stern thwart in case I have to move up in a crosswind. It is a great canoe as it goes like the wind but can be troublesome in a strong crosswind.
distinguished member (296)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/04/2014 08:13AM  
Congrats, John, in your ability at your age to accomplish such adventures as you propose on this trip. At your age you must still be a hunk of a man who is in good health and great physical shape! I am 73 now. I first started tripping in Quetico in the late 50s when heavy canvas tents were the norm, near 90 pound aluminum canoes were used and canned goods were allowed. I am surely not the man now that I was then!!!

My how times have changed! It has been my observation that the age of Canoe Country trippers can and has become older because of lightweight canoes, tents, stoves, paddles, food, sleeping bags, air mattresses (NeoAir Trekker), chairs (Helinox), food barrels, eating/cooking items, LED lighting and other technically improved compact/lightweight accessories. All that sure extends the tripping years!
08/04/2014 09:12AM  
senior member (86)senior membersenior member
04/19/2015 08:46AM  
quote jdddl8: "I take two rods, 2 reels and 2 small tackle boxes. I fish with spoons, spinners, crank baits, jigs and airplane jigs."
What species do you use those airplane jigs on, and do you tip them with anything like a twister tail
distinguished member (111)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2015 09:00AM  

That is awesome!!! You are awesome!!!!!

Can't wait to hear your trip report.

distinguished member(1530)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/19/2015 09:53AM  
I would say you are crazy! What does a 17 foot Swift weigh? Aren't those plastic canoes? I hope I can do a 5th of that trip when I am that age so good for you.

I suppose one reason you need locations is that you are covering so much ground. That is a very ambitious route, more so solo, and more so again if you expect to have any time to fish. But obviously, you have done this before. Might be worth a 5 year subscription to the BWJ so you can ask Stu to mark your maps. That is a nice service that would save you time narrowing down your fishing efforts.

What do you do for food on such a large solo? I would think a lot of simplification would be needed. Have a great, safe trip.

04/19/2015 10:40AM  
About 10 years ago we ran into a individual who was 72+ years old and he solo like two weeks at a time in Quetico. I want to say he said he was 78 years old.
04/20/2015 09:26PM  
I use airplane jigs for deep lake trout fishing without any add on. Occasionally I will catch other species but my focus is trout.
04/20/2015 09:28PM  
I usually eat well for the first week and tend to do less portaging. Then I basically live on freeze dried packs for the last two weeks. When you work hard everything tastes good!
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