BWCA Frost and Louse River Boundary Waters Listening Point - General Discussion
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distinguished member(1177)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/04/2024 06:59AM  
Plan on knocking out this 4-day trip next week.

It is very possible we go further than Frost Lake on night 1. Maybe get on the Frost River paddle a bit and pull into the PMA (permitted).
Any musts for the Louse section?
Where would you stay on the Louse? Dent, Trail or Bozeman?
What's your favorite lake to spend a night between Malberg to Makwa?

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distinguished member(5719)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/04/2024 08:12AM  
It's been a number of years but, I recall the eastern site on Dent Lake being very nice.
07/04/2024 08:41AM  
I liked trail and mesaba for camping.

This is such a beautiful area, it’s a shame you only have 4 days.
07/04/2024 09:32AM  
On the Malberg to Makwa section, the best site I saw last year was the Kawishiwi River one, right before you portage into Kivaniva. It's probably too early for blueberries, but there are lots of them there!
senior member (74)senior membersenior member
07/04/2024 09:44AM  
Check out the falls on Mug, just a short portage off of Poe. If the rain continues it's quite a sight.

07/05/2024 06:21PM  
The site that’s on the southwest side of Trail is nice. It sits up high above the water we saw moose from camp just wading around in the bay. On the other side of the lake. Also caught some decent northern trolling.
distinguished member(1177)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/06/2024 06:09AM  
TuscaroraBorealis: "It's been a number of years but, I recall the eastern site on Dent Lake being very nice. "

Tusc, great news and thanks for the input.
You are always good for a must see or but if advice.... Anything you'd like to throw at me ahead of final route planning?
distinguished member(1177)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/06/2024 06:15AM  
Mocha: "I liked trail and mesaba for camping.
This is such a beautiful area, it’s a shame you only have 4 days."

It truly is. I am tempted to separate the 2 rivers, but...
distinguished member(1177)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/06/2024 07:04AM  
dogwoodgirl: "On the Malberg to Makwa section, the best site I saw last year was the Kawishiwi River one, right before you portage into Kivaniva. It's probably too early for blueberries, but there are lots of them there!"

Fantastic. We appreciate the info!
distinguished member(1177)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/06/2024 07:05AM  
pleflar: "Check out the falls on Mug, just a short portage off of Poe. If the rain continues it's quite a sight.

I had anticipated leaving the falls for a trip in the future. Something up from Lujenida . But, high water could be nice to see
distinguished member(1177)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/06/2024 07:08AM  
mcsweem: "The site that’s on the southwest side of Trail is nice. It sits up high above the water we saw moose from camp just wading around in the bay. On the other side of the lake. Also caught some decent northern trolling."
Thanks Mike!
Always great to hear from you.
How did you run the Louse?
Any other highlights from you trip though the area?
Tell me I'm dumb and that I need to separate the river loops on a 4 night trip.
senior member (99)senior membersenior member
07/07/2024 02:16AM  
I’m not Mike and speedy travel isn’t my forte, but I did do the Frost this spring and the Louse last spring. I was on the water at sunrise (5 am) every single day on both trips and still felt I had a stretch a good bit to complete both loops. I was tired! I can’t imagine doing both rivers in 4 days. 8-10 days would be better. The Mug falls are right there, just a few minutes’ paddle across a gorgeous tiny lake, don’t miss them in the name of speed.

I loved Trail Lake, but I unfortunately didn’t make time to fish there. Next time, I certainly will.

I will post a Frost River report “sometime” in the coming months. Here’s my Louse report. My report from the Louse is here: Louse River Trip Report
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