BWCA Northstar should carry foam pad Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Northstar should carry foam pad     
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05/07/2024 07:45AM  
Has anyone tried these? Is there a video anywhere of them in use?

Shoulder Carry Foam Pads
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distinguished member (196)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/07/2024 06:52PM  
At $15, get a second one for your hip. Never used one but have heard enough stories about those that have tried the shoulder carry and referred to it as a PIH (pain in the hip). Note the website states for shorter carries. YMMV

05/08/2024 08:02AM  
portagedog09: "At $15, get a second one for your hip. Never used one but have heard enough stories about those that have tried the shoulder carry and referred to it as a PIH (pain in the hip). Note the website states for shorter carries. YMMV


Could probably just use a pool noodle or pipe insulation for a hip pad.
distinguished member(915)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/08/2024 09:11AM  
Works great on my pack boat where you can use your arm to grab the thwart. At 23 lbs it works, but I wouldn't use in for any of my canoes at any distance unless I had to.
distinguished member(579)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/08/2024 03:55PM  
I've got one and used it a few times and didn't fall in love with it but maybe I don't know how to use it. On my 35-ish pound Advantage it supports the boat just fine but as portagedog said the other aluminum gunwale bounces off your hip or leg and that's gonna leave a your arm and shoulder that's inside the boat may be competing for space with the seat. Maybe a piece of pool noodle on the opposite gunwale, but then again maybe that's just too fussy. On my Advantage I padded the sliding seat bars and can rest the boat on my head and that works fine for me. I also have a 23 pound pack boat and I just pick it up by the thwarts and carry it over my head to the put-in with a grin on my face. ;)
05/09/2024 07:43AM  
I am under the impression these are more for their lighter carbon fiber boats? I haven’t used it, the short distance I’d carry on the shoulder I didn’t think a pad was necessary for me.

distinguished member(579)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/09/2024 02:34PM  
Before buying one it might be prudent to just try carrying your boat that way with a towel on your shoulder, then you'd know if your arm and shoulder interferes with the seat and you'd get an idea of how much your boat bounces off your hip as you walk.
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