BWCA Roll up griddle? Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Roll up griddle?     
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07/04/2024 08:43AM  
I was just cruising YouTube and saw a piece of gear that I might “need”. It appeared in videos by Derek Denzel and HamerNaturePhotos. At first I thought it was a piece of cardboard. But it appeared to be a griddle that could roll up. It was very thin and went straight on the fire grate. They were cooking French toast and pancakes. Anyone know what this might be or who is making it? Any info would be appreciated. Happy Paddling.
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distinguished member(8107)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/04/2024 04:06PM  
You'll see those for sale in most outdoor grilling equipment areas. Lots of different brand names and varying qualities. No firsthand experiences, but some friends think they're okay.
senior member (91)senior membersenior member
07/04/2024 08:04PM  
jhanfland: "I was just cruising YouTube and saw a piece of gear that I might “need”. It appeared in videos by Derek Denzel and HamerNaturePhotos. At first I thought it was a piece of cardboard. But it appeared to be a griddle that could roll up. It was very thin and went straight on the fire grate. They were cooking French toast and pancakes. Anyone know what this might be or who is making it? Any info would be appreciated. Happy Paddling.

I'm guessing you were seeing one of those copper grill mats. As mentioned, they are in about any store that has grilling supplies. I have heard they work fairly well, but I've never tried them as I like longer lasting gear and I imagine these wear out quite quickly, although may be more than a single use if you go easy on them.
07/04/2024 10:41PM  
Thanks shouldertripper and schweady - found them. Not sure they are that big of an upgrade from what we’re already using. Appreciate the responses and info.
senior member (91)senior membersenior member
07/05/2024 08:33AM  
jhanfland: "Thanks shouldertripper and schweady - found them. Not sure they are that big of an upgrade from what we’re already using. Appreciate the responses and info. "

If you end up giving them a try report back with your impressions, I would be curious to hear how they compare.
distinguished member(1465)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/05/2024 09:18AM  
I would love to know if these would work with a two burner camp stove as a griddle to cook pancakes.
07/05/2024 02:39PM  
Is this what you're talking about? Haven't tried them, but interesting...

07/05/2024 05:50PM  
That would be they- although I’ve seen mostly 2 packs From Home Depot etc. the 2-pack is about $15. I’m intrigued; Amazon is the better deal for sure.
distinguished member(2991)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/06/2024 06:42AM  
TrailZen: " Is this what you're talking about? Haven't tried them, but interesting...


“Up to 500 degrees”
That ain’t gonna work.
distinguished member (433)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/08/2024 10:05AM  
tumblehome: “Up to 500 degrees”
That ain’t gonna work."

Yes I bought one of these in the ~$40 range a couple of years ago and it melted over the campfire on the 2nd or 3rd use.
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