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03/04/2023 11:06AM  
I'll be up for a 5 night winter camp around Tuscarora on the Gunflint side next week. As usual I'll be arriving around 10 or 11pm the night before I enter, so I'm wondering there's a good cheap place to sleep for the night and then move on. I usually will do a bunk at an outfitter and grab breakfast but I'm not aware of any options like that in winter. Seedy motel in Grand Marais? Thanks!
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03/04/2023 12:06PM  
I doubt you'll find anything real cheap up the trail in winter. You might try a motel in grand Marais. Or call Tuscarora outfitters to see if they have a small xabin
03/04/2023 02:12PM  
Try Trail Center Lodge. Their motel units 1 and 3 are $125 a night. They do have a 2-night minimum on weekends. Their restaurant is open Wednesday through Sunday 8 am to 9 pm. I stayed in Cabin 1 a couple of times. Much more comfy than a bunkhouse. Has a bathroom and shower too, as well as a fridge.

Trail Center Lodge

There may be a few other restaurants open, such as Hungry Jack Lodge. I didn't research anything except for Trail Center.

distinguished member(8674)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
03/04/2023 06:05PM  
Is the The Hungry Hippie Farm & Hostel too far?
03/05/2023 01:33AM  
billconner: "Is the The Hungry Hippie Farm & Hostel too far?"
looks like a great option. Thanks!
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