BWCA Echo Lake Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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05/07/2023 08:25AM  
We are going to give Echo Lake a try this year due to some mobility issues. Any info would be appreciated.
We will be staying at the FS campground. It looks a little sparse for hammock hanging. Since we are basically car camping, I might just bring the family tent and other luxuries.
How is the fishing there? I thought I saw something about crappies.
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distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/07/2023 08:45AM  
It's a nice campground. I have some friends who stay there every year and I usually try to stop in for a bit while they're there. Normally able to pick up some eater size walleyes. Haven't gotten into the crappies but, admittedly, haven't ever targeted them either.
05/08/2023 09:29PM  
It's a nice campground and the lake itself is sparsely developed. Ive got crappies, bluegills, and walleyes while fishing the prominent point to the north of the campground and there is an island east of campground south side of lake that was good as well.
Echo is close to other things to do like Vermillion Falls and The Gorge. The Vermillion River is a phenomenal fishing river too. I have many fond memories of lake Jeanette and this whole area.

Have fun!
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