BWCA 7 days till Moose! Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      7 days till Moose!     
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07/13/2023 12:06PM  
I'm going on a 100-miler with the Boy Scouts in a week's time. We put in Moose and plan on following the border to LLC and back.

I'll be in Ely on 7/19 if anyone wants to say hello, have a mini-wing, or whatever. I'll be the one with the ballcap and grinning because I'm back up in canoe country!
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distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/13/2023 05:01PM  
Email sent.
07/18/2023 12:14PM  
I’m in town. Unsure what your plan is for tomorrow though I’m flexible.
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