BWCA Permit? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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Guest Paddler
06/25/2024 07:37AM  
I may be planning a trip entering from Quetico and coming out in the BWCA. I see where I can get an overnight permit entering from Canada.

In the past, I had to pick up my permit the day before. That would be impossible if in Canada. Can the permit be picked up prior to that as we would be in Canada?

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distinguished member (437)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/25/2024 02:35PM  
You are allowed to pick up permits 14 days ahead of time for EP 71.
distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/25/2024 02:51PM  
Assuming you are overnighting in BWCA. If not, just pack a free day use permit.
06/25/2024 09:26PM  
Earlier this year I asked the USFS about this via email. Question and response below. It seems an exception can be made for email delivery of the permit.

Question (02/06/2024 at 12:30 PM):

I’m looking for info on the BWCA EP71 - From Canada permit. Specifically, how do I pick this up if I’m in Canada before my trip?
I’m planning a trip for later this Summer. It’s a one way canoe trip starting in Atikokan, ON entering Quetico Park and exiting the BWCA near Ely, MN. I will enter Canada a few weeks prior to the trip and I won't be near any of the permit issuing stations or cooperators prior to heading into Canada. I carry a US passport. Is it possible to have the permit sent to me via email? Other options?

Response (02/06/2024 at 5:21 PM):

Thank you for contacting the Superior National Forest. Yes, there is an exception to picking up your permit in-person on the entry date or one day prior, specifically for the FROM CANADA permit. Americas driving to Canada are allowed to pick up their permit in-person up to (14) days in advance of their entry date at a Forest Service office. In your case, I will approve your request to email the permit, since it sounds like you will be in Canada for a few weeks prior to the start date of your Quetico trip.

You will need to watch and share all three (3) parts of the User Education Leave No Trace video series with your group, and take the quiz over the phone in order to receive your permit via email. If your entry date is not until later this summer, wait to contact me via email just prior to departing the U.S. Please include this conversation along with your permit number and the best time to reach you. I will contact you to do the LNT quiz over the phone and email the permit after you pass the quiz. As you prepare for your trip, please check out the BWCAW Trip Planning Guide from the U.S. Forest Service to help you plan a safe and successful trip, and always remember to leave a trip itinerary with family or friends prior to departure (see page 23).

Important Notes: FROM CANADA is used only when trip originates in Canada, then travels into the BWCAW. You can enter anywhere along the U.S./Canadian border. No camping in the Vento Unit during the month of August. The Vento Unit includes the area east of Gunflint Lake and north of the Gunflint and Arrowhead Trails in the BWCAW. Be sure to pull your BWCAW permit for the correct entry date by selecting Paddle to/from Canada from the “Permit Type” dropdown menu in the availability calendar when you purchase your permit online at:
member (26)member
06/26/2024 07:56AM  
thanks for the great info.
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