BWCA Price Boundary Waters Group Forum: Woodland Caribou Provincial Park
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senior member (67)senior membersenior member
10/31/2013 03:32PM  
Just curious self-outfitted, no plane-ride, and omitting the gas to drive there, what the side by side comparison in price of a Woodland Caribou PP vs. Quetico PP trip would look like? Would they be similar in expense? If more about how much more? Don't need to know exact numbers, just ballpark, would like to know as I am contemplating a trip here soon...
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distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/31/2013 04:35PM  
Camping fees are the same as a north-side entry into Quetico (i.e. Beaverhouse, Lerome, Nym, French Lake/Dawson CG). The difference is that you don't need a reservation for WCPP because the usage level is so low. Permits and payments can actually be handled via e-mail/phone with the park staff in Red Lake, which facilitates entry into the western side of the park (e.g., Garner or Wallace Lake EP's).

Another difference you might wish to consider is a shuttle to an east side EP, especially Leano. The dirt road to the Johnson, Onnie and Leano (listed by distance from west of Red Lake) used to be maintained by a logging company, but they have ceased operations in the area. Now, there is a good chance you need a high ground clearance vehicle to enter. I haven't heard too much about changes to road conditions to Lund Lake (another east side EP, north of Red Lake).
distinguished member (166)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/31/2013 05:47PM  
permit costs this past summer were $14.97 / person / night.

One note, the park office is NOT issuing permits anymore via email or phone for those entering through Red Lake. This service will only be available for those entering through Manitoba.

Logging roads as Dentondoc mentioned are not maintained and see very little traffic throughout the summer...especially on the 26km stretch past Onnie Lake access. High clearance vehicle is strongly recommended as well as tires with reinforced sidewalls. If not taking a shuttle, best to have a satellite phone or SPOT with you as waiting around for a day or two or three for help along this road is not fun....and walking out 50 or 60 km isn't a picnic either.


11/06/2013 06:26AM  
Harlan is correct, costs the same, worth every penny!
Fill your tank with gas in the US, fuel is HIGH in Red Lake. The road is passible. We did it this year, and I would recommend a pickup although there are a lot of cars that go back in there to Leano. You would have to take it SLOW and allow for the time in on your planning. It is about an 1.5 - 2 hour ride from Red Lake to Leano in a pickup. I have only done it in a 4 wheel drive Chevy and I personally would not want to do it in a car. The stops before Leano are Johnson and Onnie, and they are doable by car. Just take your time...but I have gone into Leano 2x now, once paddled WEST out of Leano the Other time South out of Leano. Both great trips.

11/06/2013 07:05AM  
quote SunCatcher: "Harlan is correct, costs the same, worth every penny!
Fill your tank with gas in the US, fuel is HIGH in Red Lake.
SunCatcher "

I filled up at the Holiday in I Falls paying way to much. (Diesel) Went down the street and it was cheaper but I was already full of the overpriced stuff. I've learned to steer away from Holiday Gas when it comes to diesel.
distinguished member (166)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/06/2013 07:59AM  
Hey Paul,

What you don't like our $6 / gallon gas? lol

Traffic to Leano this year was the ligthest I can remember and I only saw one car in the lot all year...Did you see any when you were there?

In the end, people do as people do, but I would never recommend a car going in. In fact, a former park's employee decided to try it this past fall and learned that a stranded car stuck on Mile 51 road for 3 days is not the ideal vacation...they were nice enough to donate their oil pan to the cause though!
distinguished member(8737)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/06/2013 09:09AM  
Generally fine to leave vehicle at entry point?
distinguished member(6284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/07/2013 07:42AM  
The biggest thing to be careful with in leaving your vehicle at the EP is having any food in the vehicle. You probably have nothing to worry about concerning human vandalism but the bears are another story and they will do just as much damage. I have a locking gas cap as fuel is so expensive but vandalism is not a huge issue.

I have parked my van at Leano EP twice for extended trips and have never had a problem with people or bears.

I will caution that the road is getting worse and not better and as others have said a high clearance 4 wheel drive is the only option that most would suggest. Using Harlan at Red Lake Outfitters for a shuttle is worth the money.

One other point-it is a long way back to town and you won't get cell service, so you want to make sure your vehicle is in good shape and you make sure all power is turned off, I even know of people that disconnect the battery. Having a spare set of keys and maybe a portable jump starter if you have one might be good insurance.
distinguished member (166)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/07/2013 07:53AM  
Bogwalker is bang on about the battery and having a booster pack. We saw this twice last year. Cell service cuts out roughly 10 minutes from town so the only way to get two way communication is by satellite phone.

Never heard of any vandalism at the parking lot either, except for the bears as mentioned. Vehicles need to be free and clear of all food smells before heading out of your vehicle does not mean taking the garbage out of it and leaving it in the bush next to your vehicle!....there is no garbage can at the access point either.
distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/09/2013 08:49PM  
I went in at Leano in September, and the road wasn't too bad, but I took it easy. Saw a couple of Moose hunters on the road in, but no one in the Parking Lot at Leano. It's important to make sure you keep all food out of your vehicle, and double check that windows are closed and you don't leave anything behind.

I always walk around the truck before leaving, to make sure I don't leave my keys, or anything I want. This September was no exception except that when I got back 4 days later, I found that my drivers window was down. To say the least, I was nervous as I walked up to the truck. "How could I have missed the window being open"? Anyway, no bear was in the back seat, and nothing had been around. Luck prevailed. I've been to Leano 4 times, and find the area o my liking. This summer I went out of Onnie, and found that to be nice too.
It's nothing like you imagine.

distinguished member (123)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/10/2013 08:50AM  
senior member (67)senior membersenior member
11/14/2013 08:04AM  
Thanks for all the great info, appreciate it much!
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