BWCA The Countdown Begins.... Boundary Waters Group Forum: Woodland Caribou Provincial Park
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Woodland Caribou Provincial Park
      The Countdown Begins....     



09/03/2016 06:30PM  
.......25 days until entering the WCPP. Going in with 3 other experienced trippers. Fly -in to Donald and paddle out to Onnie. A dream come true for a mid-western boy. Thanks to my partners and those who post helpful info here. I am locked, loaded, and pumped.
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09/03/2016 07:19PM  
quote AndySG: ".......25 days until entering the WCPP. Going in with 3 other experienced trippers. Fly -in to Donald and paddle out to Onnie. A dream come true for a mid-western boy. Thanks to my partners and those who post helpful info here. I am locked, loaded, and pumped."

That is a really good route going down the Gammon River. The crew I was on fly into Carrol, camped 2 nights and then passed through Donald to Hammerhead for night 3 if I remember correctly. We were on Glen for 3 days/nights, did a day trip into the Hat and then out to Telescope for a night, then Douglas before exiting at Johnson. In retrospect, there were a couple of places on Optic that we wanted to check out as well as the Hatchets but didn't know (at the time) where the campsites might be. Fishing was really good but that was in July. Great wildlife sightings too. Enjoy your trip --- I have nothing but good memories from that route!
distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/04/2016 09:35AM  
Don't know if you are interested or not, but there are at least 3 lakes where pictograph may be found along your route. The first is on Donald as your approach the portage into Hammerhead. (Apparently there are 2 different sets here, but I was only aware of one when I went through the area.) The second is on Hansen. There are two sites here, the first is immediately after you exit from Rostoul (cliff face to your left). The second is on the long arm of the lake which extends southwest (in the direction of the portages leading to Wrist). The picto is about midway down the channel on a cliff face on the north/west side of the channel. The third is on the north shore of the eastern of the Hjlarmar Lakes, just about mid-lake.

If you'd like more detail about these locations, let me know.

I've already talked to at least one of your trip mates about some of the other sights to check out along your route.

The good news is that based on your trip timing, you are unlikely to see much (if any) motor activity from the commercial/private lodges and cabins along your route (e.g., Donald, Hansen, Telescope, Optic). Generally the boat caches between lakes are not much of an issue to negotiate around.

distinguished member(4432)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
09/04/2016 12:51PM  
Good Luck Andy......enjoy yourself and your companions.
09/04/2016 04:46PM  
You boyz be verwy, verwy quite, and you might see a moose, or caribou!

Have Fun and Enjoy!

09/09/2016 07:31PM  
Andy... have a blast! That is a great area. No matter what route you take It'll be fun.
09/27/2016 07:37PM  
Thanks again to all. Blasting off tomorrow for a 9 day WC trip. The info here is priceless. Big nod to Marten, Hobbydog, HighnDry, Nctry, and Dentondoc.
distinguished member(1976)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/27/2016 08:08PM  
Enjoy. The weather forecast looks really good.
distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/27/2016 11:07PM  
Sounds like a wonderful trip. I hope you have a great time.

Vaya con Dios, mi compadre.

09/28/2016 07:19AM  
Have a good trip. Fall will be magical up tbere.
09/28/2016 07:19AM  
Have a good trip. Fall will be magical up tbere.
09/29/2016 07:43PM  
I think they hit it right... I hope so...
10/05/2016 12:07PM  
Looks like some cold weather is rolling in. Nothing like a little nip of whiskey around a campfire on a chilly night!!
distinguished member(1004)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/08/2016 12:15PM  
Can't wait for a report...
10/12/2016 01:47PM  
Andy, Boggs, PK -- How did it go?
distinguished member(6284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
10/12/2016 02:16PM  

Great time

Fishing shut down

Warm to begin the trip, cold to end the trip

Wind was a constant companion usually in our face and often producing white caps.

Shared a campsite on Optic with a couple that Bob (one of our partners) knew. Only people we saw after the first day.

Misplaced Passport caused angst just before the trip (we found it on the morning we flew in)

Starter Failure in Dryden during Canadian Thanksgiving weekend caused angst at end of trip

All in all a memorable 9 days with friends

10/12/2016 04:15PM  
It sounds like you had a great trip, passport and vehicle issues not withstanding. Where did fishing shutdown (which lakes) and was it perhaps lake turnover time up north (water temps dropping to 39F) by chance or just lousy weather that turned off the bite?
distinguished member(2527)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/12/2016 04:32PM  
quote HighnDry: "It sounds like you had a great trip, passport and vehicle issues not withstanding. Where did fishing shutdown (which lakes) and was it perhaps lake turnover time up north (water temps dropping to 39F) by chance or just lousy weather that turned off the bite?"

I'd say that it was a mixture of weather (cold) vs. weather (wind) - wind being a factor in us not being able or wanting to get out on the lake. We didn't have many layover days, and I will blame that on age. We used to cover more miles but shorter days and old bones changes that. Love the newer forecast available on the InReach which turned out to be more accurate than my local daily forecast at home.
10/15/2016 05:28AM  
Welcome home boyz!
Can't wait to hear more about the trip. That place always comes up with some different challenges. You all went at an unpredictable time of the year as far as weather goes, you never know what hand you will be dealt with the weather.

Glad your all ok and had a safe trip.

distinguished member(526)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
10/16/2016 08:49PM  
Nature rules up there and early Oct. can be nice but when the temps drop and the mist laden winds kick up you are thankful for good gear. Sure is nice to hear of a group having a good time anyway.
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