BWCA Kawishiwi Lake area fishing Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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member (26)member
05/24/2023 12:56PM  
First time going to this entry point. Can anyone tell me what the fishing is like in Kawishiwi, Square, Baskatong, or Kawaschong.

Thank you!
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member (31)member
05/28/2023 10:01PM  
Will post something tomorrow, If I get some signal….
distinguished member(934)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/30/2023 09:48AM  
Hi, I would make your email address visible on your profile and maybe someone would email you some intel :-)
05/31/2023 05:26AM  
There should be excellent fishing in any of those lakes as they are remote enough that none of them should have the fishing pressure of lakes like Bemidji which still puts out a lot of walleyes. You may have to learn the proper presentation for those lakes as they will be different from lakes outside the BWCA region.
member (12)member
07/05/2023 10:37AM  
did you end up with any intell? if so...mind sharing? headed up with a group of kids and first timers...any tips would be welcomed!

senior member (91)senior membersenior member
07/05/2023 02:36PM  
Keep heading north....
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