BWCA Pitfall PMA - CAMPSITES? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Pitfall PMA - CAMPSITES?     
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member (5)member
03/18/2024 12:59PM  
Our group of 4 pulled a Pitfall PMA permit. We have been to Link/Bullfrog about 10 years ago for a day trip. Wondering if anyone has located any old campsites? I have used the BWCAwild website and found some old maps that vaguely show old sites. We hear there is a site somewhere on Fish lake.... Any information would be helpful - size of the site, location etc....we are camping in a single 4 man tent and have a bug shelter that we hope to setup too. With the blowdowns of 99' and the Cavity Lake Fire 2006 we know a lot has changed and any old site might be completely destroyed and different. Fish Lake Campsites?
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03/18/2024 09:15PM  
I have 2 marked on Fish. Think I got them off some very old Fisher maps that i dug up years ago. Not sure if they were ever real or what is there now. One is at tip of long point that sticks out from east. Other is on the blunt point in SE corner of lake.....looks to not be on tip of point but back around to SW a little.
I also had a site on both Gift and Bullfrog.....did you find any sign of them on your previous adventure? Also have one marked on Nawakwa.
distinguished member (434)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/19/2024 01:58PM  
We usually just camp on Hanson close to the portage to link (both campsites decent) and then do a day trip over there to the PMA. I will say the fishing back there has not been as good as it was when I 1st went back in 2009. I have been back there a few times over the years. Nawakwa was GREAT for pike the 1st time we went there but average since. Smaller in size. Pike only. That area must get fished harder that I thought. That being said, I have not been there since 2019 or 2020. Cant remember.
member (5)member
03/19/2024 02:52PM  
Thanks Cowdoc! Last time we went was Circa - 2007, and we were simply fishing. We did not look for campsites, nor notice anything that resembled an old site. I wish we would have! The bass fishing and pike fishing was good.
member (5)member
03/19/2024 02:53PM  
Thanks for the tips. I know these are primarily shallow and muddier lakes. We will find out what kind of fishery they are but my fear is lakes like this can produce high numbers of small/stunted pike. What was the larger sized pike you were catching back in 2009? Wondering if lakes like this could produce a 40" with semi regularity.
distinguished member (434)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
03/20/2024 01:08PM  
We had a couple in the 28-32 inch range and had a HUGE follow I will not forget...looked like a log. I think that was in Nawakwa, maybe the lake before that. Cant remember.

Most of what we caught were in the 19 to 22 inch range. I would agree stunted. All the big fish were in that 1st trip in 2009
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