BWCA Horse River water level? Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Horse River water level?     
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member (23)member
05/24/2024 12:27PM  
I’ve been on the Horse River only in late fall with really low water. With water levels up and all the rain is traveling through the Horse River to get to Crooked safe to do in next couple of days or is water moving fast. I guess I’m wondering if I need to thinks about going somewhere else or go to Crooked as planned. Any insight would be appreciated thanks
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05/24/2024 05:45PM  
I’m thinking you should be fine. I went that route into Crooked as part of a loop - May 20-27, 2022. Water levels were crazy high that year, 3+ ft higher than normal on Crooked - several camp sites flooded. The paddle down the Horse River was fine despite higher water than normal by a fair amount, I don’t recall having any issues.
member (23)member
05/24/2024 08:31PM  
Thanks I’ve never seen it with much water. Wasn’t sure how it would be.
member (26)member
05/25/2024 06:05AM  
You will be good to go.I as well paddled thru horse river end of May 2022.I lined canoe down one of the flooded portages in the woods.Use caution at the reentry point of portage around basswood falls.During super high conditions it can be sketchy
member (23)member
05/25/2024 06:50AM  
Thanks for info makes me feel better
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