BWCA Trip Report - Leaky Canoe on the Little Indian Sioux Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Leaky Canoe on the Little Indian Sioux     



senior member (81)senior membersenior member
12/18/2018 09:53AM  
New Trip Report posted by BigOarDeal

Trip Name: Leaky Canoe on the Little Indian Sioux.

Entry Point: 14

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distinguished member(514)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/18/2018 11:46AM  
Great report, i love all the photos, you were right not to take the slim to fat unmanaged portage. I did this portage this summer and i can say you would have had a hard time getting those canoes through, my solo canoe was tight fit through many places. I would do it different and paddle around next time, it was tough.
distinguished member (375)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/18/2018 01:27PM  
Awesome trip and photos. Glad everyone had a great time!
12/18/2018 03:12PM  
Sounds like a good trip and a wise decision to modify the route.
distinguished member(938)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
12/18/2018 06:53PM  
Great report! I love that area!
12/19/2018 09:57AM  
campnfish: "Great report, i love all the photos, you were right not to take the slim to fat unmanaged portage. I did this portage this summer and i can say you would have had a hard time getting those canoes through, my solo canoe was tight fit through many places. I would do it different and paddle around next time, it was tough."

Second that! I did it this summer with 16 foot boat and was constantly banging one end or the other. In my head I named it the "drunken sailor portage" because it seemed to wander left and right sometimes for no reason. Not very easy, and long.

Sounds like an excellent trip, and congratulations on introducing four new people to the BWCA. Hope they all want to come back next year, maybe then do a more aggressive trip with all sea-worthy canoes! Well done.
01/16/2019 09:46AM  
Thanks for posting. I enjoyed seeing you getting it done in those old Grummans. :-)
distinguished member(974)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
01/16/2019 02:06PM  
Great report. Thanks
01/18/2019 10:27PM  
I really enjoyed the report with the maps and pics a real nice touch. Your enthusiasm for the area really came through. I have a feeling there's more trips in this group's future.

distinguished member(2037)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
02/20/2019 08:41PM  
Nice photos and descriptions. This is on a list of locations I would like to visit in the BW.
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