BWCA Trip Report - Caribou lake trip Aug 9th. Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Caribou lake trip Aug 9th.     



08/15/2023 09:26PM  
New Trip Report posted by Vif

Trip Name: Caribou lake trip Aug 9th..

Entry Point: 49

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distinguished member(1383)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/15/2023 11:27PM  
Maybe something the forest service might know about. Based on how old those trees are ( firewood? ) for future use? Dunno, maybe someone else can chime in...
distinguished member (435)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/16/2023 08:48AM  
Not Ash trees. Could have something to do with Pine Bark Beetle but USFS wouldn't chop down just a dozen trees near a camp to control that. It takes widespread thinning to have any effect.

The most likely scenario is that the trees were deemed unsafe and too close to the campsite, and to avoid one of them toppling over on a camper overnight during a wind storm, they removed them.
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