BWCA Trip Report - Little Indian Sioux Solo Trip Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Little Indian Sioux Solo Trip     



08/02/2013 02:46PM  
New Trip Report posted by egknuti

Trip Name: Little Indian Sioux Solo Trip.

Entry Point: 14

Click Here to View Trip Report
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distinguished member (143)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/02/2013 08:23PM  
Nice report, sounds like you had a great time, doing what you wanted and when you wanted to do it. As you mentioned, you don't need to go far to enjoy yourself. I find myself wanting to travel each day when I go solo, but you make a good point of, when you stay put for a time, you learn the lake and see a lot. Maybe my nex trip, I'll take that advise.

Nice pictures.
distinguished member(1284)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/02/2013 08:35PM  
Good photography!
distinguished member(1403)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/02/2013 10:18PM  
Thank you for the report. You almost convinced me to try a solo trip and your photography is art. No snapshots for you!
08/02/2013 11:11PM  
I thoroughly enjoyed your report. It sounds like you had a really good solo trip.
distinguished member(2695)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/03/2013 03:02AM  
Your favorite campsite on Con Island is the same one I prefer!

I love the photo of the Trumpeter swan family! I have seen those swans in the fall, but of course, no babies by that time.

My last solo into Wood, in early October, I was lucky enough to see & hear a pair of Trumpeter swans and a pair of loons. It was like a concert 3-4 times a day, just for me. :-)

And of course, I loved your "bug" pictures too. You have a way of making them all look so real and mostly pretty.
08/03/2013 07:34AM  
Nice, including experiences from the many senses. How the rivers have a special smell, so true.
08/03/2013 08:22AM  
Wow! Nice pics!
distinguished member(5742)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/03/2013 01:19PM  
Excellent report!

I enjoyed your thoughts & perspective on traveling through canoe country; as well as your descriptive account of the area. Per usual, your photos were absolutely stellar and a real treat to view & contemplate.

Thanks for taking the time to share.
distinguished member(1197)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/03/2013 06:23PM  
Wow - what a great report. Your photos are incredible...

08/03/2013 07:16PM  
Tremendous. You know how to live.

What equipment did you use for the photography?
senior member (81)senior membersenior member
08/03/2013 07:22PM  
Great trip report and pictures egknuti. I'm trying to slow down my trips but it's taking some time. Like you though I get an early start and stop early in the day to make camp, relax, and explore. These pics are the Hustler to Oyster portage at the flooded portion you describe. I too was determined to get across without wading. I ended up in waste deep water and dragging my canoe over the trees. It was cold enough for freezing rain when I got to Oyster.

08/04/2013 11:22AM  
That looks like how I ended up doing it. Luckily I had a warm dry day ahead of me.
08/04/2013 11:57AM  
This was a 5-Star trip report. Wonderful. And outstanding photos. I would not have been able to leave that bedded moose...what a photo opportunity. If he was walking he will probably survive unless infection or more wolf encounters get him.
08/05/2013 03:05AM  
I agree- 5* report. I was saddened it's your only report,, but glad for this one. Obviously, your photography is unreal. Someone asked, and I will again, what equipment did you use for the shots in this report??
Also-- your descriptions of fishing are great-- not too much, not too little details and as a fishermen I appreciate that fine line.
Funny thing-- my wife sent me a pic at work the other day "bragging about how good the photo was" and it was superb ,, It was one of yours.
08/05/2013 08:30AM  
egknuti - Thanks for posting this Trip Report. I really enjoyed it and the photos are great. I especially like the one of the grasshopper on the indigo colored flower. I also like the photo and description of the angel grass undulating in the river current.

Great Job! I am glad you had a nice trip.
08/05/2013 10:44AM  
I use a Pentax K-7 with a Tamron 28-300mm lens and a Tamron 90mm macro lens. Sure it adds weight and I have to be a little more careful, but I think if you have a good camera you got to use it.
member (44)member
08/05/2013 11:54AM  
I like the cricket :)
distinguished member(2863)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/05/2013 07:12PM  
Loved the report and pics. Soloing sounds like heaven to those that report back on their trips. I've always wondered how many wildlife opportunities I've missed going with even the small groups I join.
08/06/2013 08:49AM  

member (5)member
08/06/2013 01:39PM  

Its really exciting to see all the wonderful comments to Ethan's Trip Report. I have been trying to get Ethan to write about his experience for years. He would never brag about his work as an educator, writer, photographer, and Boundary Waters extraordinaire so I will do it for him. I am so proud of his work. He has been doing these solo trips for countless years. He has the beautiful pictures to prove it. I will admit I have been steady hounding him to get this done and voila, my nagging him has payed off! I would love to invite you to view his YouTube videos. Maybe with a little more pushing he will load all of his videos from previous years and this years as well. :)

Stay tuned, so much more to come from egknuti I just haven't told him yet.

Thank you for your kind comments and inspiration.
distinguished member(2102)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/07/2013 02:12AM  
Wow! OM-gosh! Very impressive photos and trip report. The bar has been set alittle higher. Congrats!
distinguished member(1318)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/11/2013 01:50PM  
That is a truly fantastic report.
Thanks for your time.
I concur, whole heartedly - slow down and see more.

And that suggestion is not “clean your fish well away from your sight.”

It's "clean your fish well away from your SITE." (as in - camp site)
08/12/2013 07:55PM  
Thanks for the edit. I guess it was an oversite on my part.
08/16/2013 10:17AM  

Thank you for the wonderful report and photos. With the exception of Ramshead, that loop was my very first BW trip. We traveled every day and did the loop it 4 days, 3 nights. I fell in love with the BW, and swore to come back but to slow it waaaaay down. Like you, I like to become "intimate" with each lake I visit. I'm also looking forward to my next solo, having total "me time" while doing what I love.
distinguished member (270)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/20/2013 04:16PM  
Great report and PRO photos! I actually have that same route drawn out and I'm seriously considering Soloing it this fall over labor day. Any advice?!
distinguished member(772)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/21/2013 09:31AM  
Wonderful trip report! Great photos! You solo the way I like to, though I still get into the cover ground mode at times.
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