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       The latest news on US/Canada border doesn't look good
Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:08PM
The latest news on US/Canada border doesn't look good

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yellowcanoe 08/16/2020 02:46PM
OldGreyGoose: "Border closure extended to at least 9/21/20.

An American outfitter I know says he's heard from Canadians that it won't open until a vaccine is available.


Unfortunate. We really have little CV here anymore.. well never had much at all (our rate is the lowest in the US). And I hear that CV will be with us forever. One vaccine will not work for all. Again, hearsay from a Dr. on the news. He says it will take ten years and several vaccines to find what works best for each population.
Not a one size fits all vaccine is likely.
OldGreyGoose 08/16/2020 09:28AM
Border closure extended to at least 9/21/20.

An American outfitter I know says he's heard from Canadians that it won't open until a vaccine is available.

mapsguy1955 07/30/2020 08:14AM
From my wife's family in Quebec, the odds aren't great that the border will open back up this year. They visit often and this is depressing for them as well. But the truth is that we have ourselves to blame. Too many of us have refused to take simple precautions against spreading this nasty bug and spread it has.
unshavenman 07/16/2020 11:51AM
Well, it's official as of an hour ago. The border will remain closed until at least August 20th.
AmarilloJim 07/16/2020 11:15AM
ZaraSp00k: "tumblehome: "Justin Trudeau said that he will work very hard to protect Canadians from Covid. That alone means Americans stay out.

Absolutely we will not be in Quetico in 2020, none of us unless you have duel citizenship.


you could marry one"

Now I would watch a show like that. The first argument would be about what lakes to fish on the honeymoon.
Pinetree 07/16/2020 10:10AM
ZaraSp00k: "tumblehome: "Justin Trudeau said that he will work very hard to protect Canadians from Covid. That alone means Americans stay out.

Absolutely we will not be in Quetico in 2020, none of us unless you have duel citizenship.


you could marry one"

I think you can go into Canada if you quarantine in one spot for 14 days also?
ZaraSp00k 07/16/2020 09:50AM
tumblehome: "Justin Trudeau said that he will work very hard to protect Canadians from Covid. That alone means Americans stay out.

Absolutely we will not be in Quetico in 2020, none of us unless you have duel citizenship.


you could marry one
ZaraSp00k 07/16/2020 09:39AM
MichiganMan: ""Daily viral videos of maskless rage in US public places can not possibly be helping this."

Sometime we are our own worst enemy."

We have met the enemy and he is us.

Pogo in his comic strip in the 60's.

billconner 07/16/2020 08:03AM
TomT: "I haven't even had the slightest hope of the border opening this year. I can only hope our country gets its act together and they open in 2021. I'd say 50/50 chance right now for next summer."

+1 They'll consider it sometime around New Years is my guess.

And they are serious:

"Failure to comply with this Order is an offense under the Quarantine Act. Maximum penalties include a fine of up to $750,000 and/or imprisonment for six months. Further, a person who causes a risk of imminent death or serious bodily harm to another person while wilfully or recklessly contravening this Act or the regulations could be liable for a fine of up to $1,000,000 or to imprisonment of up to three years, or to both. Spot checks will be conducted by the Government of Canada to verify compliance."

(best Austin Powers imitation) "one million dollars!" (of course only ~$600,000 US)
TomT 07/16/2020 06:19AM
I haven't even had the slightest hope of the border opening this year. I can only hope our country gets its act together and they open in 2021. I'd say 50/50 chance right now for next summer.
Pinetree 07/15/2020 06:26PM
MichiganMan: ""Daily viral videos of maskless rage in US public places can not possibly be helping this."

Sometime we are our own worst enemy."

MichiganMan 07/15/2020 06:14PM
"Daily viral videos of maskless rage in US public places can not possibly be helping this."

Sometime we are our own worst enemy.
Pinetree 07/15/2020 10:44AM
Justin Trudeau talking today sounds like it will not reopen soon. Should decide this week tho.
Jaywalker 07/15/2020 10:20AM
A poll of Canadians reported in the Globe and Mail this week showed:

81% of Canadians think the border should remain closed for the foreseeable future

14% think it should open, but only where infection rates are low.

A measly 3% think it should open now.

Daily viral videos of maskless rage in US public places can not possibly be helping this.
tumblehome 07/15/2020 07:25AM
Justin Trudeau said that he will work very hard to protect Canadians from Covid. That alone means Americans stay out.

Absolutely we will not be in Quetico in 2020, none of us unless you have duel citizenship.

Pinetree 07/14/2020 10:56PM
It's going to be closed until at least Labor Day or until we upright our ship on this virus.
MichiganMan 07/14/2020 04:59PM
Not surprised, based on how things are going overall in the States. Man I really feel for all of the Canadians in the fishing/canoeing tourism industry. This has got to be one harsh financial blow to them. I have to believe that the majority of their business comes from we Americans.
TrailZen 07/14/2020 01:39PM
...and now extending the closure into late August looks imminent: Closure Extended

Guess we'll contact our outfitter and pull the plug on Quetico 2020...

TrailZen 06/20/2020 11:24AM
marc24: "That’s interesting. When I made my reservation for our epic Dad -son trip ( 12 nights in the Q with my 73 yr old Pops), they most definitely charged the whole reservation fee at time of booking. There was no way around it. And it was returned in full just as easily automatically. Wonder why the huge discrepancy? "

marc24, this is consistent with my permit reservation this year. When I called our outfitter in February, he informed me of the payment policy change. When he made the reservation in late March, the full 10-day trip fee was charged. Not sure how another outfitter got around the policy change. Reviewed a couple previous permit reservations; our 2017 reservation required a $150 deposit, in 2018 deposit was $100, and in 2019 $111...
marc24 06/20/2020 10:05AM
That’s interesting. When I made my reservation for our epic Dad -son trip ( 12 nights in the Q with my 73 yr old Pops), they most definitely charged the whole reservation fee at time of booking. There was no way around it. And it was returned in full just as easily automatically. Wonder why the huge discrepancy?
tumblehome 06/20/2020 06:32AM
Prior to Covid-19 we were not paying in full for our trips. I think my reservation was around $44. I though that was odd because in previous years it was $100 minimum.

Therefore if new reservation are paid in full, it sounds like the ranger stations will not be handling financial transactions once this gets straightened out. At least for the remainder of this year.

24kGold 06/19/2020 04:12PM
TrailZen: "Quetico reservations are now paid IN FULL at the time reservations are made. When we made reservations for our (hopefully) August entry in March, we paid in full. The change is noted here under 'Backcountry Rules', first sentence. Prior to 2020, we only paid a deposit, then paid our remaining fees when entering the Park.


Strange, because my outfitter applied for my Quetico entry permit in March and I only paid $53.00 as my reservation fee. Maybe they've changed their policy since then. Maybe I'll call the reservations department to clarify. I was going on what my outfitter told me.

TrailZen 06/19/2020 09:53AM
Quetico reservations are now paid IN FULL at the time reservations are made. When we made reservations for our (hopefully) August entry in March, we paid in full. The change is noted here under 'Backcountry Rules', first sentence. Prior to 2020, we only paid a deposit, then paid our remaining fees when entering the Park.

24kGold 06/19/2020 07:23AM
I was told by my outfitter that they are allowing you to pre-pay camping fees now. You still have to stop at the ranger station on the way in. I assume you can still pay camping fees at the station but pre-paying will make the check-in process much faster.

That's my take on the process but I'm not going to call in my payment until the border opens.
jdddl8 06/18/2020 05:33PM
They are definitely requiring prepayment of fees as I wasn’t given a choice. I don’t know about the ranger stations. I can confirm that they are continuing their regular portage maintenance schedule.
flaxman 06/18/2020 02:28PM
24kGold: "If the border opens in time, the ranger stations may remain closed for the short season. Might operate like they do after Labor Day. However, this year marks the beginning of pre-pay camping payment in Quetico. If you pre-pay for fishing licenses and camping fees, the closed ranger stations wouldn't be an issue. Sure hope the border closure isn't extended again into August.


I was not aware of any changes to the permit issuing process this year. Are you saying that they are allowing pre payment of camping fees and not requiring a stop at the ranger station?
24kGold 06/18/2020 10:27AM
If the border opens in time, the ranger stations may remain closed for the short season. Might operate like they do after Labor Day. However, this year marks the beginning of pre-pay camping payment in Quetico. If you pre-pay for fishing licenses and camping fees, the closed ranger stations wouldn't be an issue. Sure hope the border closure isn't extended again into August.

marc24 06/16/2020 09:42PM
Yes, I had the same thoughts if it eases your mind any
flaxman 06/16/2020 08:50PM
Given that we are now pinning all of our Quetico 2020 hopes on August/September, I've been wondering if there is a scenario in which they don't bother opening the border ranger stations for such a short season, but keep the northern entry points open. This is completely my own speculation, no info to support it. But in the spirit of contingency planning, just wondering if others have had similar thoughts.
GraniteCliffs 06/16/2020 07:38PM
24kGold, thanks for the information. I have been holding off on sending my application in. It sounds like I could aim for an August trip and send in the app now with the hope of an August opening. Good information, thanks
MichiganMan 06/16/2020 03:52PM
Here's a link to the USA Today story, which I'm assuming to be legit:

US & Canada extend border closure until July 21

marc24 06/16/2020 01:46PM
News today is border closed for another 30 days until July 21st. Oh well, this really will be the year of lost trips.
TrailZen 06/14/2020 04:08PM
24kGold, thanks for the RABC update! Like you, we have an August permit, and while we're not getting our hopes too high, I'll be sending our RABC (with an email address!) out this week. Getting the RABC via email certainly beats a last-minute drive to a border crossing to get it in person!
24kGold 06/14/2020 12:56PM
I called an RABC processing center on Friday and this is what they told me:

"Right now, we are processing RABC requests but holding them for issue until the border opens. When the border opens, if you include your e-mail address, we will scan the approved permit and e-mail it to you. You will not be charged the processing fee unless your permit is issued by your entry date."

The border was scheduled to open on June 21st. A recent Canadian article posted claimed the opening will probably be moved back 30 days to July 21st.

If you have a Quetico trip scheduled in August, there is a chance that the border will open in time. You may want to submit your permit request to be ready.

My trip is in August and I'm not trying to get any hopes up. I'm just passing along information.


yellowcanoe 06/12/2020 08:12PM
That is a shame. Our state has a lot of border with Canada and a low infection rate comparatively speaking.. Virtually no cases in most of the State. three counties toward Mass have the highest cases.
And we have been good. no deaths lately.

Wanted so much to canoe in Labrador which is half the travel distance to BWCA.
24kGold 06/12/2020 07:18AM
Just purchased my first BW permit ever. I have always gone into Quetico. I know the BW is beautiful like Q, but I love the solitude of Quetico. I'm preparing myself for more canoes, people, pets, noise and the campsite scramble. I hope I am pleasantly surprised.

Part of my trepidation is from reading posts in here concerning crowds, knuckleheads and trashed campsites...and that's during a normal year. At first, I just said it's Quetico or nothing. But after thinking about it, I realized that there is a lot of water to fish, scenery is great and it's better than staying home. And there's nothing like gliding across the water with a paddle in your hand.

After we get settled in to a campsite for the week, I'm sure everything will be just fine. I will work hard to be positive.

Karl 06/10/2020 08:00AM
Might be time to book a backup permit for BWCAW to replace the early Aug Q trip. Would be my first time heading up to Atikokan and paddling in from the north side. Always next year but man is it disappointing.
deerfoot 06/09/2020 10:26PM
Looking like that 3 wk trip to northern Ontario/Manitoba starting in early August may be off for this year.
HighnDry 06/09/2020 09:58PM
Yea, it's hard to say at this point when the border will be open with Canada. Much will depend I guess on the infection rates. August would be great but they may just keep it closed until next year.
24kGold 06/09/2020 09:17PM
I just saw this. My trip into Quetico for the second week of August is probably doomed. I had a feeling this was going to happen.

I would think in the wilderness of Quetico, we could all easily practice social fishtancing. Shouldn't be difficult.

I'd say there's always next year, but right now I'm having difficulty being optimistic about much.

Jackfish 06/09/2020 09:12PM
Extending the closed border until late July looks likely