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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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       Seeking info for fishing Quetico
Date/Time: 03/06/2025 08:59PM
Seeking info for fishing Quetico

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Previous Messages:
Author Message Text
Old salt 06/15/2022 09:54PM
I don’t have to fish for pike, I get all I want while fishing for waldos.
IowaGuy 06/14/2022 02:30PM
OldTripper: "I really enjoy large pike."

If you're looking for pike in Quetico, it might be easier to make a (short) list of lakes that don't have pike :-)
missmolly 06/05/2022 09:27AM
Ask and ye shall receive.

So it is written.*

'Cause I just wrote it.
OldTripper 06/05/2022 08:24AM
snakecharmer: "You could check out Michael Furtman's Boundary Waters and Quetico Fishing Guide "
It's funny you should mention this book. I already have the one for the BWCA!! I've had it so long I forgot about it! I'll go check it out. Thanks!
OldTripper 06/05/2022 08:11AM
Gaidin53: "If you get a longer Boundary Waters Journal subscription Stu Osthoff will mark up maps for you. He did it for me for the trip I’m taking in July. He can’t do it for areas he hasn’t been in but he is pretty specific and specific to time of year.

If you gave me an area you are tripping and it was in my route I’d be willing to send what I have.


I'll start by saying I love doing research. It really keeps me occupied during the off season. My tentative route is to take the chain of lakes that parallels Agnes, (Kahshahpiwi, Keefer, Sark) up to Kawnipi then back down through Agnes. I'm not a huge trout guy, walleyes are nice but I really enjoy large pike.
Thanks in advance for any info you may have.
OldTripper 06/05/2022 08:08AM
timatkn: "I am not aware of anything equivalent to what Minnesota does and the information they provide on the quality or health of each lake for Ontario.

It would be great. I can only guess why Ontario doesn’t do this. They have more lakes to survey and manage and their budget is way smaller than Minnesota’s. Minnesota gets their revenue for fish and wildlife management form license and registration fees, excise taxes on outdoor equipment etc… it is a self funded program and Ontario just cannot compete. I think MN’s budget is at least 10x bigger than Ontario’s.


T, your explanation makes perfect sense. I had not thought of it from that perspective. I appreciate your insight.
snakecharmer 06/05/2022 07:48AM
You could check out Michael Furtman's Boundary Waters and Quetico Fishing Guide
Gaidin53 06/04/2022 11:38PM
If you get a longer Boundary Waters Journal subscription Stu Osthoff will mark up maps for you. He did it for me for the trip I’m taking in July. He can’t do it for areas he hasn’t been in but he is pretty specific and specific to time of year.

If you gave me an area you are tripping and it was in my route I’d be willing to send what I have.

timatkn 06/04/2022 03:25PM
I am not aware of anything equivalent to what Minnesota does and the information they provide on the quality or health of each lake for Ontario.

It would be great. I can only guess why Ontario doesn’t do this. They have more lakes to survey and manage and their budget is way smaller than Minnesota’s. Minnesota gets their revenue for fish and wildlife management form license and registration fees, excise taxes on outdoor equipment etc… it is a self funded program and Ontario just cannot compete. I think MN’s budget is at least 10x bigger than Ontario’s.

OldTripper 06/04/2022 09:07AM
Greetings All,
I'm looking for information regarding fishing in Quetico.
Minnesota has an awesome site for doing research and planning called Lake Finder It tells you which species of fish are in a particular lake and their estimated numbers. Most lakes have a lake depth chart too.
Does Canada/Ontario have a similar site for Quetico?
I'm trying to determine which lakes to paddle through, and which lakes to layover on.
Thanks in advance for any info you may have.

I guess I should add some clarity to what I'm asking.
I know about Ontario Fish On-Line. Perhaps what I'm looking for is not on that site. When you select a lake it lists the species found in that lake, in what appears to be alphabetical order. You have no way of determining if there is a good population of fish in the lake or not. It also appears that the species in that lake are determined by the survey where folks submit which fish they caught in that particular lake.
I'm hoping to find a site that will list the species in order of population in that lake or something similar to give me an idea of what the most prevalent fish is in that lake.