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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Trip Planning Forum
       Lost Dog - Seagull Lake area
Date/Time: 12/02/2024 05:50AM
Lost Dog - Seagull Lake area

* Help stop spam. Please enter the lake name you see over the flying moose.


Previous Messages:
Author Message Text
timatkn 10/01/2022 05:12PM
Hope he is found
airmorse 09/19/2022 05:24PM
I would also post this in the General Discussion forum.

Hope you find the little guy.
RonW 09/19/2022 02:02PM
If you're heading up to the Seagull area, please keep an eye out for Sam! He's a 5 pound Shih Tzu who fell off a deck at Seagull Outfitters, then ran off into the night...hasn't been seen since! The owners searched frantically until they had to return to Illinois for work. There's a number on this flyer. Please call with any sightings!

I'm with the Retrievers lost dog search team and we're helping Sam's owners in this search. They are getting good, BWCA-knowledgeable help, so general survival tips are not needed...just sightings!

Thanks for your help! Please call with any sightings you may have!