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       Bald Rock Falls campsite
Date/Time: 02/19/2025 05:22AM
Bald Rock Falls campsite

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cowdoc 04/11/2023 08:47PM
We caught a lot of smallies in pool below falls. Only stayed one night on our way to Kawnipi.
24kGold 04/10/2023 06:27PM
Thanks! Shows exactly what I wanted to know. Looks like a great site. Was fishing around the falls good? We plan on two nights there and fishing that area really hard for a day.

cowdoc 04/08/2023 08:16PM
Having trouble on my phone with link. We do have a video of site on YouTube. Search Bald Rock Falls Camp. Shows most of the site and our 4 one man tents
cowdoc 04/08/2023 08:07PM
bobbernumber3 03/16/2023 09:22PM
Ah yes. Somehow I was thinking Clark Island on Sagangons...

Anyway, are you thinking of Dickie's Portage and then paddling back to the Sag Landing? The risk being conditions across Saganana.

We have always taken the portage on our exit day, get to the Sag end of the portage at 10am for a tow boat pickup, and back to the outfitter, showers and on the road about noon. Some of us are home to Central WI by 8pm and me to Gladstone by 10pm.
MarshallPrime 03/16/2023 01:01PM

This is Clark Island, big Island just North of the Sag Corridor leading to the boat launch.
bobbernumber3 03/16/2023 10:55AM
MarshallPrime: "So we have done the silver falls route twice and will be there a 3rd time mid june. I am curious about exiting with the 1.5 mile portage to get back to Sag...down past Clark Island to the corridor. "

Where is Clark Island? My last name is Clarke.

MarshallPrime: "We usually go in Cache Bay and silver falls and then out the same way. It seems to be about 2 miles less to take this LONG portage...but then you do have the 1.5 mile portage to deal with. "

Actually, when measured it is 1.3 miles. But you end up, with double portaging, walking over 5 miles. Allow 2-1/2 hours for the whole deal

MarshallPrime: "
Since we finish at the Sag Boat launch, does that make more sense for us? Never considered it on our 1st 2 trips. "

We finish at the Sag Boat Launch as well with a tow from Seagull Outfitters. I can't sell you on this route, only let you know our experience with it... which is now our standard route. Our oldest member travels first with basically no gear and a bow saw to cut out any dead falls. We'll have this done for you...

MarshallPrime: "Also, Are there portages going from Sagnagons down south before the BIG Portage to get to Sag? Looks like there might be.


Dickie's Portage was recommended by Janice. She didn't mention anything better. But there is Betsy Powell's portage on the far east end of Saganagons...

MarshallPrime 03/15/2023 08:28PM
So we have done the silver falls route twice and will be there a 3rd time mid june. I am curious about exiting with the 1.5 mile portage to get back to Sag...down past Clark Island to the corridor. We usually go in Cache Bay and silver falls and then out the same way.
It seems to be about 2 miles less to take this LONG portage...but then you do have the 1.5 mile portage to deal with.


Since we finish at the Sag Boat launch, does that make more sense for us? Never considered it on our 1st 2 trips.

Also, Are there portages going from Sagnagons down south before the BIG Portage to get to Sag? Looks like there might be.

bobbernumber3 03/14/2023 08:23AM
Gaidin53: "Interesting route ending! "

Once we got over the mental hurdle of 1.5 miles of portage, this has worked out real well. It gives us another full day of fishing. The trail is little used and a portion is old logging road that is growing smaller. Janice encouraged us to use that route and Deb at Seagull was willing to pick us up there.

Eager to be there again this Spring!
Gaidin53 03/13/2023 08:10PM
Interesting route ending! My buddy and I did the 3 lakes to avoid Silver Falls back in the 90’s. That was a mistake and most likely way more work. Your route is pretty interesting with being able to be on Saganagons more especially to the east and not having to route back over water you already paddled.

bobbernumber3 03/12/2023 03:13PM
I see Saganagons is your favorite lake... same as mine. We visit in early June for a week of fishing starting at Silver Falls and ending at Boundary Point focused on walleyes and lake trout. Our exit is via Dickie's Portage which saves us a day of travel back around Silver Falls.

24kGold 03/12/2023 01:39PM

The whole stretch west from Boundary Point to the narrow inlet that leads to the falls chain is my most productive area, especially along the north shore where there was a fire back in the 90's. Lots of old trees down in the water and the shoreline is rocky with several humps and reefs. And wherever the lake is restricted producing current, is the best, especially during the summer months after the spawn.

Soft plastics nail the smallies along with some walleye. Crankbaits nab the walleyes along with pike, and topwater in the evenings get everything, including walleyes. It's just a great area.

bobbernumber3 03/12/2023 11:58AM
24kGold: "...before heading back to Saganagons to our regular "Honey Hole" spot where we can always catch football-sized smallmouth and 22 to 24 inch walleyes on a regular basis."

Check where the flow come into Saganagons from Bemar and Bitchu on the north side near Rat Bay... or is that your regular "Honey Hole"?

Where do you like to hang-out on Saganagons? East End, Boundary Point, Silver Falls or other? Did you mention time of year for your trip?
24kGold 03/11/2023 08:12PM
sns: "We’ll be through in late May…will let you know what we find!"

Thanks. Will be interested in what you have to say.

24kGold 03/11/2023 08:09PM
timatkn: "I remember three tent spots, but I’d go with the majority opinion.

I also remember there is a swamp behind this camp, so mosquitoes were an issue.


Thanks for the heads up! Hopefully in August, the mosquito population will not be as bad. Okay, I'm trying to be positive here.

24kGold 03/11/2023 08:04PM
bobbernumber3: "24kGold: "... a couple of nights to fish around Bald Rock before heading back and spending the rest of the week on Saganagons. "

Unsolicited advice: Spend the week on Saganagons fishing and make a day trip to Bald Rock."

That's what we've always done in the past and never had enough time to fish below the falls the way I wanted to. On this trip, we've added an extra day, so I thought it would be interesting to spend a day fishing that area hard before heading back to Saganagons to our regular "Honey Hole" spot where we can always catch football-sized smallmouth and 22 to 24 inch walleyes on a regular basis. Just trying something new this year.

timatkn 03/11/2023 07:47PM
I remember three tent spots, but I’d go with the majority opinion.

I also remember there is a swamp behind this camp, so mosquitoes were an issue.

bobbernumber3 03/11/2023 04:46PM
24kGold: "... a couple of nights to fish around Bald Rock before heading back and spending the rest of the week on Saganagons. "

Unsolicited advice: Spend the week on Saganagons fishing and make a day trip to Bald Rock.
24kGold 03/09/2023 12:52PM
Awesome advice. I'll stay away from leech tub. But, may point someone in the group to it as a prank. Okay...I won't do that, unless they are problematic during the trip. LOL.

Years ago, I hooked a huge Pike right at the falls. I was actually reeling in a small smallmouth when the pike hit the smallie and wouldn't let go. When it finally did just a couple of feet from the shoreline, I was stunned. As I reeled the damaged fish toward the shore, the pike hit again. Ultimately, the pike let go and swam away. There ARE big fish in that area for sure. And...I'd like a rematch.

Eyedocron 03/08/2023 09:20PM
This is a nice camping spot if available, will fit easily 2 tents and can crowd 3. Popular area for TP is nearby in woods, though, The camping site is next to the falls on the south, and the short portage is on the north.
If full, the alternate site is through the next narrows west, then south a short ways.

A couple of tips: If you have a weedless spoon, northerns like to hang out near the mouth of the wide area to the south just below the falls.
If you do snag this nice campsite, it is tempting to step over to the south edge of the falls and enjoy a relaxing soak in a small tub-like pool half way down the falls. I recommend against this: There is a reason my crew renamed this Leech Falls.
24kGold 03/07/2023 06:29PM
Thanks, everyone. I hoped there was another site in that area if the one by the falls was taken. Hopefully one of the two will be vacant. Can hardly wait for my first trip back to Quetico in 4 years.

sns 03/07/2023 03:11PM
We’ll be through in late May…will let you know what we find!
MarshallPrime 03/07/2023 02:42PM
I have not been there for 4 years but will be back to the falls chain mid June. We will hopefully stay at this site or the 2 down the west shoreline on the way in on night 1.
It has 2 good tent spots, 3rd is not good if I remember correctly.

I agree that this site is overused and had TP bombs everywhere, unfortunately. This is the issue with not having a latrine. Some people just dont go far into the woods AT ALL!
Jackfish 03/07/2023 09:42AM
Hopefully someone who was here more recently than me can offer commentary, but there are 2-3 tent pads here. I believe the site gets a fair amount of use.
24kGold 03/07/2023 07:37AM
I've been to Bald Rock Falls several times, but not past. Is the campsite next to the falls a good site for two tents? We're starting from Hook Island and will stay for a couple of nights to fish around Bald Rock before heading back and spending the rest of the week on Saganagons.

Want to make sure that campsite at Bald Rock can support two tents and is a decent place to stay. Thanks.
