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       Quetico in October
Date/Time: 02/08/2025 12:53PM
Quetico in October

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pauer75 09/23/2023 08:40AM
Yeah Agnes is pretty awesome
ISRO 09/22/2023 06:07PM
pauer75: "Awesome advice, great info...I like the idea of basecamp in Sunday or Burke for 3 nights and maybe doing day trips from there depending on weather.

I thought about Bayley Bay and figured if the weather was not that great, we could stay in Sucker/Birch or even Carp.

Thanks again."

If the weather looked good I would go to Agnes myself.

Thats just a hop, skip and jump away.
pauer75 09/22/2023 10:03AM
Awesome advice, great info...I like the idea of basecamp in Sunday or Burke for 3 nights and maybe doing day trips from there depending on weather.

I thought about Bayley Bay and figured if the weather was not that great, we could stay in Sucker/Birch or even Carp.

Thanks again.
Ho Ho 09/21/2023 07:41PM
On October trips we have often base-camped for 3 nights, which works better than traveling with the short days and the desirability of making sure you have lots of firewood. If you have a nice fire after the early sunset you can really enjoy more of the day. And having wood for a morning fire is key too. Then you can plan day trips depending on the weather.

A specific concern I would have about where you are planning to go is the need to cross Bayley Bay going in and out. If the weather is good - no problem. But rough conditions on the bay - which happen a lot - could be problematic with colder water and inexperienced paddlers. Something to keep in mind. Personally I'd look at the forecast and be prepared to bail on the trip if it was going to be rough.

That said, some nice early October days on Burke or Sunday would be pretty awesome. (Or even on Sunday Island in Bayley Bay.)

pauer75 09/21/2023 10:11AM
Great advice, thanks.
lundojam 09/21/2023 08:03AM
I don't know your kids, but I have a clear memory of being 12 years old and going winter camping. It got dark, then it was BORING. The adults had nothing planned. Kids don't typically care about weather, that's an adult thing, but make sure to have some fun campfire appetizers, games, ghost stories, etc. And, like the other people said, if the weather looks bad, just bail.
tumblehome 09/20/2023 06:43PM
I’m heading there in late October as long as the ice doesn’t beat me there.
pauer75 09/20/2023 06:38PM
Thank you, i appreciate the advice.
billconner 09/20/2023 06:25PM
Well, personally, sounds wonderful, but family need to be hearty and prepared for winter as well as fall weather.
Jackfish 09/20/2023 05:39PM
^^^ What Marsonite said. ^^^
marsonite 09/20/2023 04:40PM
I think it's a little late for first timers but that is just my opinion. With sunset so early, you are going to spend a lot of time either in the tent or sitting by the fire. Have a plan to get plenty of firewood. And watch the forecast before you go. If I saw a multi day cold rain in the offing, I'd bail. Also, choose campsites with an eye to keeping out of the wind. Good luck.
pauer75 09/20/2023 02:13PM
Absolutely, good advice. thanks
AmarilloJim 09/20/2023 02:01PM
Water is cold and possibly dangerous. Hug the shoreline.
pauer75 09/20/2023 01:44PM
Planning a 4 day/3 night Quetico trip with the family October 6th-9th. Easy... Prairie Portage to Sunday and Burke. It would be their first trip.

Is it too late in the season? I understand October can be unpredictable with weather. Any recommendations. Thanks.