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 Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
    Quetico Forum
       Latest portage maintenance map
Date/Time: 10/15/2024 09:18PM
Latest portage maintenance map

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Author Message Text
Gaidin53 08/08/2024 06:24PM
I totally got that it was the most recent when you had posted it. Just didn’t want anybody thinking it was the most recent since someone commented on it.

rick00001967 08/08/2024 12:06PM
Gaidin53: "Old map. Newest is from July 22nd. The park updates the map every few weeks during the season. Just go to the Ontario Parks Quetico map page.


i posted this june 12. it was the latest one at that time
apk 08/08/2024 08:32AM
Gaidin53: "Old map. Newest is from July 22nd. The park updates the map every few weeks during the season. Just go to the Ontario Parks Quetico map page."
(link is in the right sidebar)
Gaidin53 08/07/2024 10:54PM
Old map. Newest is from July 22nd. The park updates the map every few weeks during the season. Just go to the Ontario Parks Quetico map page.

fun4dad2 08/05/2024 01:44PM
Nice! Thanks for sharing. I am using it to daydream about the solo I will do when I retire in a few years....
rick00001967 06/12/2024 11:31AM
Below is the latest portage maintenance map for Quetico.

Maintenance map - Quetico