Boundary Waters Quetico Forum BWCA Food and Recipes Dehydrated Ground Turkey v. Ground Hamburger |
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum BWCA Food and Recipes Dehydrated Ground Turkey v. Ground Hamburger |
marsonite: "I posted a while back about cooking the burger in water for several hours before putting in the fridge overnight to let the grease harden, and then dehydrating after throwing out the grease. Long story short, I tried also turkey and it worked just as well. It rehydrates in about 10 minutes and is quite tasty and tender. Seriously, it's good enough to use in dishes at home. "
Rs130754: "marsonite: "I posted a while back about cooking the burger in water for several hours before putting in the fridge overnight to let the grease harden, and then dehydrating after throwing out the grease. Long story short, I tried also turkey and it worked just as well. It rehydrates in about 10 minutes and is quite tasty and tender. Seriously, it's good enough to use in dishes at home. "
Do you add slices to the water while cooking? I’m assuming your using a fair amount of water as well. I’m going to try this with both moo and gobble. "
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