BWCA 2019 Trip? Boundary Waters Group Forum: Trip Partner Finder
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member (11)member
11/07/2018 05:36AM  
I freaking love going to the BW. I freaking love tripping in the wilderness in general. From Yellowstone to Shield lake country, if there's nobody there, don't rule me out! I'm Waldo of the Woods, come find me, lets get lost together (figure of speech, I only get lost in thought). My new job has long stretches off here and there in my 6 week block, one of my stretches is freaking 16 days off, every 6 weeks..... Long story short I could really go for more folks to get out on some trips with. Doesn't even have to be the BW, hell I'd put in a 1200 mile road trip just to hike a few days and sleep under some pine trees. I have enough gear to outfit a small army, I can start a fire in a vacuum, and after 10 days of camping I still smell like roses.

Anyways, I love hanging out with both experienced and inexperienced trippers. I only ask that you not be the type to act foolish or reckless in the wild, not be the type that would dampen a once-a-year-type-of-trip with whatever drama you got going on, and be able to carry your own pack and gear. Post on here, email me, whatever we gotta do to get out and get away, lets do it, lets plan a trip!

I'm a 30 year old male in case it matters.
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distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/07/2018 08:47PM  
Why does your entry state you love going to the BWCA, but your profile says you have zero trips there?
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/07/2018 09:27PM  
Eyedocron: "Why does your entry state you love going to the BWCA, but your profile says you have zero trips there?"

NursePaddler's profile also says they are 118 years old, same age as you Eyedocron. :)
distinguished member(506)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/10/2018 06:23PM  
Guess when you get this old, it can escape one's memory!
06/15/2019 07:26AM  
Hey Nurse Paddler,
Nurse Practitioner here with trip planned first week in July. My cousin backed out due to injury. I have everything in place including permit, outfitter reservations. I will at a CME conference until the 30th and driving up through Duluth that day. Bunkhouse on the 30th and then 4 days on the water. If interested and available, I can pick up at Duluth airport afternoon of the 30th.
member (6)member
12/27/2019 09:59AM  
Hi Nurse Practitioner - Did you hear back from Nurse Paddler? If not, I am interested in joining you. I live in Mpls, so would drive up to meet you. My usually trip friend could not go last year due to work commitments, and I am seriously missing the BWCA. I have Kevlar canoe, 2 person tent, tarp, stove, etc. which I can haul up there from Mpls. Also, I have lots of experience, started canoe camping in BWCA as a child with my parents before it was a Wilderness area. I'm 59 and in pretty good shape.

Email me at if it sounds like it might work.
member (6)member
12/27/2019 09:59AM  
Hi Nurse Practitioner - Did you hear back from Nurse Paddler? If not, I am interested in joining you. I live in Mpls, so would drive up to meet you. My usually trip friend could not go last year due to work commitments, and I am seriously missing the BWCA. I have Kevlar canoe, 2 person tent, tarp, stove, etc. which I can haul up there from Mpls. Also, I have lots of experience, started canoe camping in BWCA as a child with my parents before it was a Wilderness area. I'm 59 and in pretty good shape.

Email me at if it sounds like it might work.
12/27/2019 11:54AM  
I did not hear from him or anyone so I ended up doing my first solo trip. I must say I was a little bit nervous but once out there, it was all good. Had a great trip, weather was great, caught lake trout and walleye so ate like a king. Stay in touch for future reference
distinguished member(8700)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
12/27/2019 08:39PM  
Good to hear!
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