BWCA 5 night Quetico lake entry route suggestions Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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      5 night Quetico lake entry route suggestions     



distinguished member (212)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/03/2019 03:48PM  
My wife and I are shipping our two boys off to summer camp (Menogyn and Warren), and are heading out on a five night trip, just the two of us, entering Quetico through Quetico Lake. The thought of five nights seems downright luxurious (our theory is that carving out 5 days in your forties is the equivalent of a month in your early twenties)!

Looking for route/other suggestions from those who've been in the area. We're not fishing, might take one layover, but otherwise would like paddling to take up a good part of each day. Not averse to portages, though we're not looking to kill ourselves.

Thanks all! Getting excited.

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08/03/2019 06:10PM  
Be on Burntside night 2, layover and complete a loop or head back to Quetico Lk.
distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/03/2019 09:05PM  
Is the plan to return to Beaverhouse for your exit or are you considering an alternate exit point; for example, Batch/Nym or French Lake. I've put-in at Beaverhouse and exited at each of these three take-outs.

distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
08/03/2019 09:08PM  
I have a 4-5 night trip on the drawing board that would enter at Q Lake or Cirrus and circles through Kasakakwog (whichever way I decide to go). Lots of bigger water, but few portages and many campsite options.

If you want to try the Mile Portage into Badwater, it's a half day trip in from the Beaverhouse parking lot and you'll have some nice quiet time. Of course, you have to come back out the same way. :)
distinguished member (212)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/03/2019 09:58PM  
Thanks all so far! Exiting through Beaverhouse as well...
distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/04/2019 08:52PM  
Jackfish: "I have a 4-5 night trip on the drawing board that would enter at Q Lake or Cirrus and circles through Kasakakwog (whichever way I decide to go). Lots of bigger water, but few portages and many campsite options."

I did this loop beginning in mid-June, but I took a very leisurely trip of 14 days. This is quite doable in the timeframe you have in mind. Keep in mind that this area I would classify as "route lakes" and you are very likely to see other travelers. Yet, I spent two and three day stretches not seeing anyone.

I've provided some detail of my trip in a thread started by Ho Ho a couple of lines lower in this forum.


distinguished member (480)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/04/2019 11:59PM  
We did a 5 day loop last summer: BH-Quetico-Jean-Badwater-Quetico-BH. Between Jean and Badwater the portages hadn't seen a ton of traffic, and yeah that Badwater-to-Quetico portage is long and rugged. But it's definitely doable in 5 days (we aren't speed demons or in spectacular physical condition) and you could maybe even squeeze in a layover day somewhere.
distinguished member (212)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/13/2019 11:47AM  
Thought I'd offer up a post-trip follow up. Had a wonderful time and amazing weather (tailwinds heading east, fairly calm heading west). We paddled Quetico, Oriana, Jesse, Maria, and looped around Betchewaung Bay to McAlpine, Kasakokwag, Quetico, Cirrus.

Highlight was a momma moose and little moose swimming twenty feet offshore of our campsite on Kasakokwag. All in all a great trip and a fun route.
Thanks all for suggestions.
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