BWCA Trip Report - Poplar Lake Entry - July 2010 (2019 Remake) Boundary Waters Trip Reports
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      Trip Report - Poplar Lake Entry - July 2010 (2019 Remake)     

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11/15/2019 03:25PM  
New Trip Report posted by ghamer

Trip Name: Poplar Lake Entry - July 2010 (2019 Remake).

Entry Point: 48

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11/15/2019 10:03PM  
As usual Gary, great shots and a great combination of photos and video. I have spent a lot of time in that area and enjoyed the scenes I recognized and the great wildlife encounters. Bet you enjoyed putting it together too, and the memories it brought back. Well done!
11/15/2019 10:18PM  
Very nice, Gary. I've been noticing for several years now the progression from the early ones to more recent ones. It's interesting to see the improvement of the new version in the same pictures. I watched the new one, the old one, then the new one again. I'll bet it was a fun exercise for you.
11/16/2019 09:07AM  
Thanks for taking a look guys!

Lindy - Great to hear from you! It was a pleasant surprise to find the video clips... I totally forgot I had taken them. I'm trying to come up to speed on Premeire Elements for video editing but it's slow going for this old dog to learn new video editing tricks. It really was a fun exercise... I hope to get a few more done in the cold and snowy months ahead.

Boonie - I hate to think how many times I watched each slide show in the process of making the new show. But you are right, it is amazing to see the progression from about 10 years ago. Photo processing tools (Adobe Lightroom) have improved a bunch and I expect I have gotten a bit smarter too. Also the resolution of the show... the old one was 1200x800 and the new one 3840x2160. It's expecially apparent on a large monitor.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
11/16/2019 10:56PM  
Fantastic as always, Gary. Great video!
distinguished member (280)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
11/17/2019 11:45AM  
Another great video Gary. It's always a pleasure to watch them.
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