BWCA Big Lake Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
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member (16)member
05/22/2020 06:59PM  
Been fishing the Ely area for a number of years and staying in resorts close to town. This year, I'm considering a resort on Big Lake up on the Echo Trail.

I simply fish bobber/leach For walleye. Late June/early July.

Question... Is Big Lake a decent walleye lake?

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distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/23/2020 08:01AM  
Back in 2002, we ended up camping on the island in the middle of Big Lake after our northern entry into Quetico got detoured. It had rained so hard during the night, the road between Fort Frances and Atikokan got washed out, so we headed to Ely. Because of the lack of available permits and a campfire ban, we ended up on Big Lake for maybe four nights.

The thing I remember about Big Lake is that it was hard to find walleyes. It was mid-June and the six of us tried what we thought was everything. We caught a few to eat, but we certainly didn't find the motherlode. Doesn't mean Big Lake isn't a good fishing lake. We just weren't there long enough to really figure it out.

05/23/2020 09:53PM  
I fished Big Lake back in the 70s and 80s. It always produced walleyes. There are lots of structure and reefs to fish. We use to fish around, what was called Picnic Island, and always did quite well, usually in the north side. I believe that it’s the largest island on the lake. The lake is relatively shallow but there is a deep hole on the south end end. I’d also fish around the other island on the north side. The south end of the lake was not known to be a area to fish.
distinguished member(2751)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/24/2020 11:09AM  
Sure. Decent.
member (16)member
05/24/2020 11:14AM  
Thank you
distinguished member(1853)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
05/26/2020 10:21AM  
mk, send me an e-mail. I have a marked map with a few places that hold walleye most of the time.
member (16)member
05/26/2020 03:34PM
Thank you
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