BWCA Cooking Oil Storage Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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07/16/2020 09:53AM  
Hi All,
I'm looking for a better way to pack in my cooking oil for fish. I'd like to bring a smaller container than what you would find at the grocery store, but I always find that oil leaks past the cap and makes a mess once the packaged seal has been broken.
Does anyone have a good way to pack and travel with cooking oil?
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07/16/2020 10:06AM  
If I'm bringing a bottle, I put it in a ziploc because of exactly what you've experienced. Same goes for pancake syrup. You could try stretching a piece of plastic under the cap & in the threads when you close the bottle. That might help to seal it.

I usually bring Crisco bricks nowadays.
distinguished member(916)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/16/2020 10:06AM  
member (25)member
07/16/2020 10:25AM  
I also use the small Nalgene bottles. Haven't had one leak yet. I have about a dozen of them in different sizes since we usually go in one or two larger groups and I end up packing food for both. Syrup, Oil, Bailey's, etc. all go in them.
07/16/2020 11:13AM  
Crisco bricks here also
07/16/2020 11:29AM  
I use a Platypus
distinguished member(775)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/16/2020 11:56AM  
Skarc75: "Hi All,
I'm looking for a better way to pack in my cooking oil for fish. I'd like to bring a smaller container than what you would find at the grocery store, but I always find that oil leaks past the cap and makes a mess once the packaged seal has been broken.
Does anyone have a good way to pack and travel with cooking oil?"

The bottle I use for oil is a repurposed prescription solutions bottle. The lid stays more secure than off the shelf cooking oil bottle. This travels inside a Ziplock Freezer bag.

Of note: I have used this for Scotch, Bourbon, Canadian and Irish whisky as well. Strictly medicinal use of course.
Grandma L
distinguished member(5646)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/16/2020 12:08PM  
Crisco blocks or Olive oil in a small Nalgene - zip lock either just in case!
07/16/2020 12:20PM  
The cheap in me is going to show with this one-- small Listerine bottles, I think they are 10.5ozs. They are heavier plastic than most, and have a locking liquid proof cap. I use butter flavored pan/grill oil much like restaurants use. I use them for alcohol fuel as well and never had a leak.
Rinse well unless you like minty fresh fish.
senior member (84)senior membersenior member
07/16/2020 02:52PM  
I also use the 4oz Nalgene that MidwestFirecraft linked above. They've never leaked on me but I do put them in a ziploc just to be safe.
07/16/2020 04:57PM  
I have had good luck storing the peanut oil I use for frying walleye in a Nalgene Transparent Square Storage Bottle.

It has a narrow mouth for easy pouring and is guaranteed leak proof. I use the 16 oz. size but it comes in a larger 32 oz. size and smaller 8 oz. and 4 oz. sizes.

I like the square shape for easy storage.

Nalgene Transparent Square Storage Bottle
senior member (68)senior membersenior member
07/16/2020 05:32PM  
Step 1: Determine how much oil to bring. (we reuse some of our oil).
Step 2: If you need 20 ounces or less, then just use an empty 20 oz coke bottle or similar. Never had one leak before. You can bring 2 if you need more oil.

I buy one of the small bottles of cooking oil they sell at the store, and don't open it until it is time to use it the first time. Then, after frying the fish, I use a small funnel and filter a good portion of the oil back into the bottle. 1 small bottle last about 5-7 cookings (the key is not to burn anything). But we are only cooking for 2 people.
07/16/2020 07:05PM  
moustachesteve: "I also use the 4oz Nalgene that MidwestFirecraft linked above. They've never leaked on me but I do put them in a ziploc just to be safe."

Me too.
distinguished member(1580)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/16/2020 07:18PM  
16 oz Nalgene water bottle. The square shaped Nalgenes work well also and take up less room.
distinguished member(8051)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/16/2020 11:17PM  
Why not use the bottle it comes in? Buy bottles that fit in a zip lock and you’re good to go. No need to over think it.
distinguished member(2880)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/17/2020 06:59AM  
Peanut oil (frying) in a small plastic bottle if you can find it. As Jackfish states, no transfers from glass to plastic.
I use an 8 oz Nalgene packed in a quart freezer ziplock. Freezer ziplocks are heftier than storage type. Those Nalgene brand bottles have good tight lids. Never has leaked a drop. A funnel/makeshift one to transfer oil from fry pan back to bottle if you repurpose oil.
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14487)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
07/17/2020 09:07AM  
Look into packing butter flavored Crisco for frying fish. You just need a bit of it not swimming in an inch of oil.
distinguished member (175)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/17/2020 09:10AM  
I'll bring either the oil or the crisco bricks. I just use the bottle the oil comes in and keep it in a ziplock freezer bag. When I pack up the food pack I just ensure that the oil is stored upright...I've had perfect success with the Nalgene bottles as well of other liquids (like buffalo wing sauce).
07/17/2020 02:06PM  
Thanks for the suggestions! I'm going to give the nalgene bottles a shot.
07/17/2020 02:07PM  
Jackfish: "Why not use the bottle it comes in? Buy bottles that fit in a zip locks don’t you’re good to go. No need to over think it. "

This is what I've done for years, and it works okay.
I just want to travel with a smaller quantity than what I see at the grocery store. And I hate the oily mess it makes in the ziplock bags after the factory seal is broken.
distinguished member (299)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/17/2020 03:03PM  
When we first started tripping we used a 1# block of lard. It does better than Crisco in the heat. Then we went to Nalgene bottles for the oil, health concerns! I don’t think a week of lard would do much damage so I am think of going back to it.

distinguished member(1094)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/17/2020 03:44PM  
Wally13: " I have had good luck storing the peanut oil I use for frying walleye in a Nalgene Transparent Square Storage Bottle.

It has a narrow mouth for easy pouring and is guaranteed leak proof. I use the 16 oz. size but it comes in a larger 32 oz. size and smaller 8 oz. and 4 oz. sizes.

I like the square shape for easy storage.

Nalgene Transparent Square Storage Bottle "

You definitely needed the larger bottle during our last trip.

distinguished member(4177)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
07/17/2020 05:18PM  
Small-ish nalgene here, complete with fresh sticker from a sponsor here. (last year) This had more than enough for 4 of us on a week trip.

distinguished member (278)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/17/2020 11:10PM  
I agree that most of the bottles that oil comes in leak a lot. I used the smaller Nalgene bottles (soft plastic, not the water bottles) for many years. The oil seemed to oxidize the plastic. Our last few trips, we used grapeseed oil (higher smoke point, neutral flavor) in repurposed soft drink bottles. Might not be as small as you want, but most of the bottles are robust with a tight sealing cap, especially if the precious beverage was carbonated. A good price too. I still put it in an insurance ziplock. I realize this approach could technically be against the no bottles/cans policy, but I feel like it is as much in the spirit of the rule as putting oil into a Nalgene, just more pragmatic.
distinguished member (404)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/18/2020 07:24AM  
fuel bottle!

I have been using an old nalgene fuel bottle, the red one, it has a little reverse able spout . never leaks and makes it easy to add just as much oil as you want. I would be willing to bet the trangia fuel bottle would work just as well, they don't make the nalgene one anymore.
distinguished member (175)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
07/19/2020 01:05AM  
Dammfast: "fuel bottle!

I have been using an old nalgene fuel bottle, the red one, it has a little reverse able spout . never leaks and makes it easy to add just as much oil as you want. I would be willing to bet the trangia fuel bottle would work just as well, they don't make the nalgene one anymore."

Ooooof...Can we offer up a moment of silence for that Red Nalgene Fuel Bottle. Love mine, wish I would've gotten a second one before the were discontinued. Great call on using it for cooking oil!
07/20/2020 09:33AM  
We have used several of the suggestions listed here.

Typically we just re-packaged oil from our pantry into either the 4oz Nalgene bottle or a small Platypus (16oz/0.5L). We still put inside a ziplock have never had any leaks.

We have also used the prepackaged bricks of Crisco. Need a zip lock bag for sure on those after you cut it open and use a portion of it.

member (23)member
07/20/2020 12:57PM  
I have Nalgene bottles in 2, 4, 6, and 8 ounces and bring whichever one I think is the right size for the trip. For me going on a solo trip I tend to bring the 4 oz and yes I also keep it in a ziplock even though I have yet to have one of the Nalgenes leak.
member (48)member
07/20/2020 08:40PM  
I use Gatorade bottles of various sizes. In over twenty years of use I have never had one to leak. Have carried tea, juices, milk, oil, even charcoal starter.
07/25/2020 03:44PM  
We used Coconut Oil last fall, because I didn't want to take chances with leaking oil.
09/27/2022 04:29AM  
Do you want to order soybean oil online at wholesale price? We have the best usage oil for the house, restaurant, and cafeteria fry operations, i.e. fried chicken, fried fish, and french fries. Our oil extended shelf-life from the time of production. Place Your Order Now with Worldwide Shipping Service!
Savage Voyageur
distinguished member(14487)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished membermaster membermaster member
09/27/2022 07:53AM  
henryjohn18: "Do you want to order soybean oil online at wholesale price? We have the best usage oil for the house, restaurant, and cafeteria fry operations, i.e. fried chicken, fried fish, and french fries. Our oil extended shelf-life from the time of production. Place Your Order Now with Worldwide Shipping Service!"

I’ll bet it works good for SPAM too. No commercial posting here allowed.
09/27/2022 03:08PM  
ghamer: "I use a Platypus "

Agreed. I have had much better luck with Platypus than with small Nalgene bottles, several of which have leaked. Or maybe I just got several bum Nalgene bottles. Anyway, never any leaks with Platypus.
09/27/2022 03:12PM  
I should have read the entire thread before posting - many good ideas noted.
senior member (68)senior membersenior member
09/27/2022 03:33PM  
Why not use something solid like lard, duck fat, or ghee?

Less mess, tastes better, and other than olive oil, way healthier.

Also, I'd avoid reusing any cooking oil or fat, even if they look clean or taste fine, you can be sure the oil has oxidized and broken down in other unhealthy ways.
distinguished member(3493)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/28/2022 12:37PM  
Jackfish: "Why not use the bottle it comes in? Buy bottles that fit in a zip lock and you’re good to go. No need to over think it. "

Exactly what I do.
distinguished member (426)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/28/2022 03:24PM  

jewp: "I also use the small Nalgene bottles. Haven't had one leak yet. I have about a dozen of them in different sizes since we usually go in one or two larger groups and I end up packing food for both. Syrup, Oil, Bailey's, etc. all go in them."
distinguished member(1580)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
09/29/2022 04:11PM  
Be careful when tightening the cap on Nalgene bottles containing oil. The oil lubricates the threads so well that there is little friction and you can literally break the cap without even tightening very hard, so be careful not to overtighten.
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