BWCA Alumacraft Canoe QT 15 C Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Alumacraft Canoe QT 15 C     
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member (11)member
06/22/2021 07:52PM  
I recently purchased a like new Alumacaft QT 15 C canoe. Didn't really pay much attention to it until I got it home but the cross members appear to be in different locations than normal making the 2 cargo areas of the canoe very narrow for loading packs. I've been looking online at canoes and I am not sure I have seen the front cross member not right behind the front seat. Has anyone else seen this or have a Alumacraft like this? I am thinking about moving them to make the cargo area bigger but don't want to compromise the canoe. Any thoughts?

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distinguished member(3694)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/22/2021 09:39PM  
I have no expertise at all but, it looks like everything is in original place. But, it may be just because it's a shorter model.
member (11)member
06/22/2021 09:49PM  
Here is a photo of a QT 15 CL. Front cross member right behind the front seat. I might just move them. Seems like they should be placed over or close to the ribs on the floor in both front and back.

distinguished member(1449)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/24/2021 01:03AM  
Roughfish: "...I am thinking about moving them to make the cargo area bigger but don't want to compromise the canoe. Any thoughts?"

Moving or removing one will not affect the integrity of that boat. If it were kevlar it may be a concern but the aluminum hull isn't going to give or flex much if at all.
distinguished member(5379)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/24/2021 03:05AM  
You could also try adding the Spring Creek seat/yoke, as shown in the picture. I’m nt saying you need three seats, but it would give you a comfortable yoke and an easily accessed pack area. If you are not familiar with that yoke, it comes on and off easily.
Grandma L
distinguished member(5624)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
06/25/2021 03:37PM  
The pictures you posted are exactly like my old 16 ft. Alumi. It is just short so the compartments are small.
member (11)member
06/26/2021 11:03PM  
andym: "You could also try adding the Spring Creek seat/yoke, as shown in the picture. I’m not saying you need three seats, but it would give you a comfortable yoke and an easily accessed pack area."

That is a great idea. Thank you.
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