06/30/2021 04:43PM
^^^ I third it. ^^^ Very blessed in so many ways.
"Keep close to Nature's heart, yourself; and break clear away, once in a while, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean." ~ John Muir
07/01/2021 07:24AM
Significantly blessed this morning.
Early morning coffee while reading excerpts from Aldo Leopold.
I break from the text to witness a doe and her three fawns forage and drink from the creek. I listen to the chickadees, wrens and cardinals vocalize their dominance over the woods. A distant pileated woodpecker drums on a dead standing tree. Harry and downy wood peckers fight over space on the peanut feeder hanging from the deck. And lastly, the hummers are back and forth on the nectar feeders hanging on the porch windows.
Thank you Lord for your creation. Thank you especially for the forgiveness in your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
Early morning coffee while reading excerpts from Aldo Leopold.
I break from the text to witness a doe and her three fawns forage and drink from the creek. I listen to the chickadees, wrens and cardinals vocalize their dominance over the woods. A distant pileated woodpecker drums on a dead standing tree. Harry and downy wood peckers fight over space on the peanut feeder hanging from the deck. And lastly, the hummers are back and forth on the nectar feeders hanging on the porch windows.
Thank you Lord for your creation. Thank you especially for the forgiveness in your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.
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