BWCA Bell Morningstar dimensions help Boundary Waters Gear Forum
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      Bell Morningstar dimensions help     



04/26/2022 10:21PM  
I recently acquired a Bell Morningstar in what I believe to be their kevlite layup. This boat had apparently sat outside for a long time and the gunwales rotted. The gentleman I bought it from had attempted a rather crude replacement of gunwales with strips of pultruded fiberglass.

I would now like to restore it to something closer to its original condition by installing wood gunwales so I am writing to request assistance with placement of seats and thwarts. The one I have was purchased originally with the front, center, and rear seat. I am hopeful that I can save and reuse them. One of the original thwarts has also survived the work that had been done on this hull, although it is a little ragged and I may just use it as a template for making a replacement.

Looking online, I see Morningstar three seaters with a thwart behind the front seat and another behind the center seat. If someone on the forum would be kind enough to measure on their Morningstar how far from the ends the seats are located, the location and length of the front thwart, and the location and length of the center thwart, it would be a real help to me.
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distinguished member(916)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2022 08:10AM  
I have a two seater Morningstar with dimensions as follows:
Measurements pulled by pushing tape to the inside of the canoe bow or stern side:
Bow seat 52 9/8 - 60 3/4 measured from bow
Stern seat 37 5/16 - 45 3/8 measured from stern
Rear thwart 7 1/2 measured from stern
Carry thwart 88 1/2 measured from bow
Bow thwart 7 5/8 measured from bow
Center thwart (behind bow seat) 68 measured from bow

Hope that helps!
04/27/2022 02:04PM  
Thank you so much!
04/27/2022 02:08PM  
I realize I'm probably pushing my luck here, but would you consider measuring the length of the carry thwart and the center thwart?

Thank you,
distinguished member(916)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2022 02:52PM  
Just need about an hour and I can get that info.
distinguished member(916)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/27/2022 04:28PM  
Carry thwart is 32 3/8-1/2
Center thwart is 30 3/8/1/2

It was very difficult to get an accurate measurement with the curved lip of the aluminum trim. That is the best I could do.
04/27/2022 10:20PM  
Thank you for taking time to do this. I really appreciate it.
distinguished member(916)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
04/28/2022 06:24AM  
No problem, glad to help. Would love to see pics of the finished canoe if you think of it.
distinguished member(4173)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
04/28/2022 12:46PM  
I'd think maybe Bear or those guys at NS would have this info too? Old plans and specs and stuff
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