BWCA Namekagon questions Boundary Waters Group Forum: Other Canoe Camping Locations
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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Other Canoe Camping Locations
      Namekagon questions     



05/10/2022 12:38PM  
Hey, all. If you have paddled overnight on the Namekagon, I have a couple questions.

First, are there any areas on the river where you can get drinking water, or is it necessary to bring all needed?

Second, how do the campsites work? Are you sharing sites with others, or is it first come/first served?

Finally, what were your overall impressions of this river? Crowded? Fishing? Ease of finding sites? Navagability? Season preference? This is a broad question, but I would like to get a sense of your experience; ultimately, is this a decent place to spend 4-6 days?

I know I can call an outfitter on the river with these questions, but I would rather start here with folks who have experienced the trip. Thanks in advance for any/all suggestions.

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distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/10/2022 10:53PM  
Hey Mark... some basic information to get you started. I have day paddled the stretch of the Namekagon upstream from Trego and Jack's Canoe Rental several times. Once with my wife and the other times solo. The Namekagon is a fun and very enjoyable river to paddle. Scenic, mostly quiet (although there are some stretches where you cross under a highway bridge or can hear traffic), and a few Class I riffles to make it interesting.

For water, you can certainly pump water from the river or you can bring a 5-gallon jug or two if you wish. Afterall, you're not portaging.

The campsites are spread out, usually a half mile apart (+/-). They might be first come, first served, but someone else will need to share that info.

During the weekends, you will encounter tubers floating downstream, but mostly on the stretch upstream from Trego. They tend to get dropped off upstream and float back to the landing at Jack's. I suppose it could be crazy, but mostly just a mild inconvenience as you navigate past them.

Fun ride. Hope you enjoy it.

p.s. Jack's does not shuttle personal canoes, only gear that they rent.
05/11/2022 08:33AM  
Thanks, Pete; appreciate the info. Trying to find some place close outside of the BW for a short trip, and I have wanted to do this for some time.
distinguished member(7917)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberpower member
05/25/2022 08:47AM  
Definitely a trip worth doing. Enjoy!
05/25/2022 09:52AM  
Jackfish: "Definitely a trip worth doing. Enjoy!"

May do a short three day over Memorial weekend, but the water levels are crazy; do not want to add to the capsized threads.
distinguished member (132)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/02/2022 01:04PM  
I also want to paddle some rivers including Namekagon. Good info to get started, thank you all.
distinguished member (126)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/15/2022 10:46PM  
Can anyone comment on campsite availability on the Namekagon or upper St Croix - especially during the weekend? I would love to do a stretch, but also don’t want to get caught without a site.
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