BWCA Lake One or nearby lakes Boundary Waters Fishing Forum
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senior member (88)senior membersenior member
06/15/2022 01:20PM  
My wife and I are taking our 6 yr old on his first BWCA trip and we were able to get Lake One as an entry this year. I was hoping someone had some good news that fishing in or around Lake One is good fishing? We primarily fish walleye, but he enjoys whatever bites. Keeping him entertained is priority #1.
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member (30)member
06/15/2022 01:36PM  
I've done okay on Lake one in the past, look for islands and bays. Have done much better on Lakes Two and Three. Lake Two- there is a river on the Northside of the lake that has produced Smallmouth, Walleyes, and Northerns for us in the past. Lake Three, fish around the islands and bays on the Southside of the Lake. We didn't have much luck, but heard the fishing on Horseshoe is supposed to pretty good too. The portages from Lake One to Two are short and easy, and the portage into Horseshoe starts out a bit rocky , with a gradual incline, but gets quite easy after about 20 yards, very nice landing at Horseshoe Lake.
distinguished member (209)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/15/2022 03:38PM  
I don't know how far you plan on paddling or how long your trip is. But for our trips through that area the further you get from the entry point, the better the fishing. Lake Two is better than Lake One, Lake Three is better than Lake Two, etc... There isn't much for campsites on Hudson, because of the Pagami Fire, but fishing has been good there as well. Insula is one of my favorite lakes for fishing. We've caught big blue gills, walleyes, smallmouth and pike. The big blue gills are the hardest to catch and we only found them one year(by accident) in 25' of water in August. Any moving water above or below rapids has been good to us. There's plenty of narrow spots between islands that funnel fish. There's tons of fish structure in the narrows between Lake Three and Four. It's a narrow channel with huge boulders and rock piles. When I'm paddling we try and avoid rocks/boulders in the water, when in fishing mode we're going to be casting a lure by each and every rock/boulder we see in the water.

For your young one I would recommend topwater baits or lures that sink very slowly like a fluke and wide gap hook. That way they're not getting constantly snagged on the bottom. Caught plenty of fish with those two lures in that whole area.
senior member (88)senior membersenior member
06/28/2022 09:25PM  
Getting closer to our trip, anyone out in the # lakes recently?
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