BWCA Entry Point 39 Baker Lake Boundary Waters Trip Planning Forum
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      Entry Point 39 Baker Lake     
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member (23)member
06/18/2022 07:36PM  
We are putting in at Baker Lake and will be on Burnt Lake to the northwest of Baker Lake toward the end of our trip on a Wed. & Thurs.
Question we have is looking at the entry point map and Burnt Lake on this site shows 5 campsite. But looking at our map it shows 6 campsites. Our map shows one on the south side of a small group of islands. Does anyone know if there is a campsite there? Also has anyone had issues finding an empty campsite on Burnt Lake mid week?
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distinguished member(1999)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/18/2022 09:51PM  
The 2021 Voyageur map shows 6 campsites on Burnt including the one on the south side of the group of islands. I have never had a problem with their recent maps showing a campsite that isn't there. My McKenzie shows 6 also.
06/19/2022 10:09AM  
I stayed on Burnt fall of 2019 on the site on the western peninsula on the way out from Cherokee. At least three other sites were occupied. I believe there was a site there.
distinguished member(1472)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
06/19/2022 05:47PM  
Burnt Lake gets heavy usage from the Sawbill Lake entry. It's actually easier to get there from Sawbill than Baker. Most who enter from Baker don't want to go over that hilly 210 rod portage between for a campsite that might or might not be there.

My last day's rule is that if I go to a lake with that many entries/permits nearby, I should go with the thought that I might have to travel much further or end my trip early. I will often leave 4-6 hours of travel on my last day to avoid this scenario.

The site on the very south end of Burnt is a nice one. Out of the way and quiet.
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