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Boundary Waters Quetico Forum
   Group Forum: Solo Tripping
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distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/14/2022 10:10PM  
I can’t decide what entry point to decide. My last solo was 2 years ago aNe I’m needing that fix again!!! I’ve been looking but can’t decide. I need a good mix between time to fish also not sticking to one area. What entry point do you gurus suggest?
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distinguished member(1454)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/14/2022 10:47PM  
Better get out there! :)

When do you hope to go? Permit availability will dictate some of your options and that varies widely between now and the end of September.

Looks like you could go just about anytime to Trout Lake. Tripping into Buck lake could get you some solitude and Buck has decent walleye fishing. Long portage from there to Cummings for some excellent SM fishing, but that's a long trek.

If you share your ideal time for departure, it will make it easier to provide more options.
distinguished member (121)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/14/2022 11:24PM  
YetiJedi: "Better get out there! :)

When do you hope to go? Permit availability will dictate some of your options and that varies widely between now and the end of September.

Looks like you could go just about anytime to Trout Lake. Tripping into Buck lake could get you some solitude and Buck has decent walleye fishing. Long portage from there to Cummings for some excellent SM fishing, but that's a long trek.

If you share your ideal time for departure, it will make it easier to provide more options."

I’m thinking somewhere between 2-4 weeks out! I’ve looked at Crab-Cummings and contemplated that. Last time I I did Farm to Lake One. I’m not afraid of some longer portages.
distinguished member(1454)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/15/2022 02:09AM  
Crab entry is a great option. The portage is long but not grueling or complex. And you have plenty of options once you get past that first portage. We did well fishing everywhere except Little Crab Lake. Very few people, at least during our trip, and you get to paddle some larger lakes, smaller lakes, and a couple of meandering waterways and slower streams.

A few pics of Crab Lake...

First one is of Crab, second one is the landing at the portage to go to Cummings (the portage at the end of the little river, not the one directly from Korb Lake), and the last one is a pretty little campsite on Lunetta.

distinguished member(2053)distinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished memberdistinguished member
08/15/2022 08:32PM  
Are you looking to stick with the Ely side? I'm more of a fan for the Gunflint side and it looks like mid-September has quite a few options.
08/23/2022 07:07PM  
Personally I would go to Quetico. Go up to the Beaverhouse entry and make your way to Jean and Burntside.
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